santasbaby wrote:
~I live a life by the rules of common sense. I don't lie, steal,
cheat, kill, or anything to cause harm to others. I don't do
these things because of some final retribution or judgement of
some god. I don't do those things because those things serve no
Which leads to a few questions:
How can one saying lieing,cheating and stealing,,and I'll throw
in murder and illicit sex for ones own desires to be obtained say
it 'serves no purpose' or 'it' (crime) doesn't pay?
It gets folks what they want,,doesn't it?
And besides,,,look at how many folks have lied,cheated and stole
and have gotten away with it,,you know it pays,,as long as people
don't catch you at it.
I am confident that a casual look around at the world will easily
reveal to you that that just isn't so.
Common sense is not so common and the common variety you find
says you only say such as santasbaby when you want to hide what
you actually believe from the folks you are talking to.
And if it was like yours,,ans it was common,,why are so many
folks displaying a view that isn't,,as you claim,,'common
Seriously,,that phrase irks me so bad sometimes,,common
sense,,common sense says get what you can get when you can get it
so no one else can get it besides or 'before' you.
That's the 'sense most commonly displayed',isn't it?
So,,why do they claim that?
After all,,as long as you hide your misdeeds from MEN untill you
die,,all those can easily do YOU good if your goal is to provide
your OWN desires and have no
'ethical,moralistic,altruistic,compassion' on others.
As in,,the only way you CAN'T get away with misdeeds committed
during your life,,is if YOU don't believe there is no final
arbiter of truth and justice besides men or their governments.
AS in,,he who dies with the most stuff,money,toys,the most
prestigious public life or had completely done it Their Way
wins,,so long as you get out BEFORE they stop or catch
I can hide stuff from and fool men,,it's Yahaveh (The Divine) you
can't deceive.
Which leads to:
How come those that claim to not believe in an Entity that caused
humans to be as they are,,
Actually claim being 'good'(godly) is something they hold as
After all,,IF there is NO DIVINE associated with humans,,and we
are only and just,mammals that,,,'happened to turn into highly
evolved ape like creatures',
the 'rules of evolution' are your prime directive,,correct?
I mean really,,the very concept of 'badness' like
lying,cheating,stealing and murder only have relevance IF one
considers there to be more to life than just living this one
IOW,,just saying such implies 'morals'.And for an 'atheist' to
imply they themselves have 'morals or ethics or compassion' is
inherently hypochritical since 'psychologically' there is no need
for such belief considering they 'intellectually believe' there
is no such thing.
Ergo,,without the idea of an 'existance without the physical
body' and an 'omniscient,omnipotent Final Arbiter of Truth' to be
held accountable by for actions in this life folks would actually
act like the animals they are taught that they are.
(And,,we all know many,more and more often,,are,now aren't they?)
Since,,as evolutionary theory plainly lays out,,,the most
successful species in any contentious niche is invariably the
most viscious beater,,most prolific breeder.
To be such in order to be a successful
species,,lying,cheating,stealing and killing are all
acceptable,are they not?Hey,they could even be called
'emperitives',couldn't they?
As well as,,if there were no 'actual need' for particular
intellectual/emotional traits as powerful as altruistic
'compassion,empathy,ethics,morals or,,mercy and forgiveness'.
I for one can see absolutely no reason for any 'evolved creature'
without a 'belief' in the 'divine' to exhibit any of those
Read my blog article,,'How to Seperate Church from State':
(scroll to the bottom and click to the older section)
As I explain in there,,your very concept of 'good and bad' are
rooted in the 'church of your mind'.
And that couldn't exist so ubiquitously in an 'evolutionarily
driven' species mind without a 'sound,logical as in very real and
actual' reason to develop,,if Darwinianism is a fact,that is.
For instance,,,do 'chimpanzees',,the next highest evolved apelike
creatures' we know of,,apply such concepts as
'lying,cheating,stealing,no rape or murder' to their world view
and act accordingly,,as you do?
If not,,,then,,where is a reasonable example of
'darwinianistically evolved' altruistic ideology occuring
anywhere besides 'humans'?
Even IF,,you could find reasonable similarites it would only
reinforce the 'likelyhood' of the 'divine' actually existing.(see
Why?Because evolutionary success equals 'survival' which all too
often calls for 'sneakiness,visciousness and a total lack of
empathy for competitors'.
And to say that that would evolve out of 'human social
interaction' without an actual environmental stimulus invokes the
'which came first,,chic or egg' conundrum.
Which does bring me to this 'intellectual puzzler':
'Why would an alledgedly higher evolved creature claim they
should act in a like fashion or say because the less evolved does
it,,it's okay and appropiate for the 'alledgedly higher' evolved
to do it?'
And as the rest goes:
~I don't do these things because of some final retribution or
judgement of some god.~
If that were so,,then you only don't do those things because men
might catch you and punish you,,right?
After all,,you don't recognise a higher authority than 'mans
So,,a reasonable conclusion would be that you only say this so
'people' won't suspect you of such.
Since,,as could be easily illustrated,,even science says 'people'
have a tendency to lie,cheat and yes,,steal and even murder,,if
they think they can keep others from dicovering it and facing
Now,,if one accepts the idea of nothing you do is ever gotten
away with,,like as if an 'eternal,omnipotent,omniscient'
entity,,like oh,,say,,Yahaveh,who WILL hold you accountable for
all you have done then you are way less likely to commit the
moralistic infractions which you laid out as rules for your own
Conversely,,IF,,you are only a 'highly evolved ape like creature'
that developed in an environment without even any actual reason
to think of the divine let alone 'believe' in it and the only
'authority' you know is 'physical force or detainment,,or
retribution as punishment' as long as no other 'human' knows,you
are more likely to commit such deeds.
As to this:
~I don't do those things because those things serve no purpose.~
Lying ,cheating and stealing,,and even murder are quite easily
capable of serving purposes.
Of course,,that does depend on the individuals sense of
purpose,,and ultimate concept of 'right and wrong'.
Or as many say it,,righteousness and wickedness.
target=pleasing/wrong=sin=miss the mark=displeasing,,the concepts
contained are identical the only quantifier is 'according to
So to sum up:
For you to simply claim that you are such a person means you have
a sense of 'church/god/the divine' with in your psyche.
Otherwise,,why would someone alledgedly 'with commonly evolved
common sense',who claims to not believe in God, ,Yahaveh,Allah or
any other display such attidudes or ideas that couldn't have
developed through the nessecities arising from the evolutionary
If your not simply saying so to be 'crafty',,like any succesful
'prey become predator type animal' such as the highly evolved ape
like creature homo sapiens alledgedly is,
then you are reacting in a fashion which could not have developed
through the nessecities arising from the evolutionary struggle??
Why,,of why,,would you possibly do that,,if evolutionary
theory,,as it's 'common sensically' accepted,,is a fact?
Because,,whether you like it or not,,evolutionary theory is still
just that,,a theory and you have the 'laws of God wrote in your
very heart'.
It was written:
~Romans 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their
hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and [their]
thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)~
That's why you at least claim you don't lie, steal, cheat, kill,
or anything to cause harm to others.
Just like He said.
Of course,,some would say that's just a theory as
well.Yet,,apparently,,I just proved it seems valid in an actual
Or at the very least,,gave one a little something to chew on.
With all due respect to all on this planet,
The DANG - DInGIE American
The Evil White Man
Created on ... August 04, 2007
©Roy Harbin/The DANG – DinGIE American/2007®
roy harbin
is roy l.harbin aka,,the
dang-dingie american aka,,the evil white man