The pkpost said:
~Wassamatter harpo? Did I strike a nerve?
YOU are the one who said you were a "...straight shooter...". I only mentioned what you were shooting at. The rest of your rambling sounds like shooting from the hip as well. Actually from around behind the hip - from your crack.~
(Can you believe this?He AGAIN shows his mindset with this statement and validates all of what I think of him.)
Hey,pkpost(psygonkid?)I never said I was a straight shooter,,just that I was shooting straight at a piece of moonfruit,you were the one that placed in in the middle of 'uninvolved fruit',just like a 'coward,, ,er,,a terrorist,,oops,,a psychotic suicidal murderer,,uh,,ummm,,oh yeh,,I suppose some would say I should say,,an Islamic Fanatical Fundamentalist Insurgent/Freedom Fighter' would.
To point out the 'psycho-gandic' techniques the pkpost lamely attempted to use.
1.Name calling.
3.Lies,,'mentioned what I was shooting at' is patently false.I ain't shooting at the conservative rubberneckers',,I am shooting straight at MOONFRUIT.
4.Casting aspertions on my reasoning by deeing them 'ramblings'.
5.Ths isn't quite 'psychoganda' but is more likely evidence of a psychological mindset focused way too much on male rectums,and is probally an extension of the 'I am KHAN' attitude that seems to be common with the kind of MoWart Mentality the pkpost continuously exhibits.
6.All in the attempt to distract from any of the questions asked of him.Like this one,,,
Does it make you feel safer to know that your opponent doesn't want to harm the innocent folks you HIDE behind?
Hitting the mark,,square in the middle of this particular piece of moonfruit,
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man
Wow,,talk about striking a nerve.
Hey,,like you had at the top of your response,,,
~"...(Can you believe this?He AGAIN shows his mindset with this statement and validates all of what I think of him.)..."~
Oops,,you did it again.
~You sound more and more like annieclone every day - gasping like the mouse in the
jaws of the cat as he dies believing he is still winning the fight.~
That is funny,dude.Me sounding like her.(Oh,,and if you only knew how wrong you are about
'who's d'khatt' in this situation,,you would run away screaming)
~What you were shooting at is as open to interpretation as your use of the term
"...moonfruit..." ~
I thought you said you were born in America.Isn't English your native language?
Aren't you able to glean context from written content?Oh yeah,,with the crap being shoveled as
education these days,,I guess you probally are at a disadvatage.
Here,,I'll clear up any confusion for you:
target=moonfruit=followers of the moon god and his head politician that advocate psychopathicly
murderous actions to force politics in their favor,,,AND those that support them WITHOUT
denouncing and opposing the tactics they use.
~you must be shooting straight into a crowd of neo-con rubberneckers,~
Okay,,'new conservative' rubber neckers.Hard line Fanatical Islamist MO-ists are the
conservatives in the Islamic Empire,,are they not?They are becoming the 'new conservatives' of the New World Order,,right?
Wasn't the NEW era of 'justice and Islam' declared recently in Palestine by a Fatah member engaged in jihad that the entire Islamic Empire supports?
Arent the ones committing psychopathic actions to asssist 'jihad' Muslims in good standing?
Aren't they just as likely to rubberneck when they see one of their own,,you,for instance,,engaging in 'verbal/intellectual' jihad with a blue eyed,blonde haired,white,,demon?
So,,okay,,as long as you're standing in the middle of 'those folks',,you're right.I stand corrected,,to your chagrin.And you remove the shield you had.
Feel better?I do.My aim doesn't need to be so accurate.
Now,,if only those soldiers had such a clear target this mess would be over a whole lot sooner.
~Whom is hiding whom? I hide behind nobody as should be evident from my posts.~
As I said before,,you made it into that,,not me.I never mentioned a basket full of moonfruit,,just a single piece,,you.
Keep up with your own presented visual imagery.Didn't your 'writing teachers' tell you that?
~rabid neo-con-regressives ~
New,,conservative,,regressive,,insane folks?I thought you liked the people wanting to return the world to a political state that's ran by antiquated backward non modern intolerant ideologies like Sharia Law,burkhas and the subjugation or elimination of non affiliated folks.
Ain't that the ones you support?
~Witness the ongoing attacks on our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights as not only
wholly supported by republicans and conservatives at every level of government~
And democratic liberals as well,and the rich 'special interest' group lobbyists too,right?Why make it partisian?It's each one of them trying to get their own personal agenda fulfilled,,like the Islamic Jihadists are.
And they have you so dazed and confused that you are supporting them,,,blindly.
~by nut cases in the woods who feel that ANY dissent against li'l bush and his policies
is unpatriotic and that it should be dealt with with the business end of a shotgun.~
And can you please tell me how that is any different when compared to,,,
"nut cases in caves and deserts who feel that any dissent regarding little old MO and his policies is 'unholy',sacriligious,blasphemous,heritically evil and should be dealt with through the sword,and a gun,,and a bomb,,"
Please,,tell me how it's different in actuallity.
~YOU put me there, not me. I'm in battle doing what I can to help America survive
without resorting to the medieval neo-techniques that were discarded by the world as
barbaric and uncivilized a millenia and longer ago. ~
Why are you claiming this since you aren't denouncing any of the medieval techniques the people YOU defend use,,like cutting off heads,,mutilating bodies and placing them on public display?
How about threatening to kill the peasants to ward off the 'enemy king'?You can't get any more madhi-evil,uncivilised or barbaric than that,,can you?
~Another case for the neo- moon -putrid- rotten- fruit bin.~
That's what I have been illustrating about you every time I post responses to your psychoganda.
~Looks like you're butchering a quote from somewhere too.The Bible?Lotsa flies around that bin.~
Funny that YOU should say that,,isn't it?Exactly who is known as the Lord of the Flies in the ancient land that Islam sprang out of?The Moon God,,what's his name?And who is his prophet?
You know,,the one who had a temple right near where the Kabbala is now.
And IF I am butchering a quote,,which I'm not because it ain't even an attempt at a quote,,it's better than butchering a man,,like someone had a 12 yr old do while they videoed it to show the world how KAHN they are.
~A more recognizable term for "Fanatical Islamist Militants" is "Right Wing Religious
Conservatives" with the word "Republicans" sometimes added to the end.~
I think the fallacies inherent in this statement was adequately exposed above.
Allthough,,the question remains concerning the pkposter,,is it a purposeful lie,,or a mistake?
Ha,,check this out:
He split what I wrote:"""...Shooting straight at the piece of moonfruit hiding behind and among innocent folks
as IS THE COMMON BEHAVIOUR of the psychopathic murderers also known as
Fanatical Islamist Militants who PKPOST(psygonkid?) apparantly holds in such high esteem."""
,,with the above retort about FIM qnd RWRC/reps,,then loses track,,presumably,,of the train of logic in my statement'
He then continues as tho he doesn't know what I said:
~"...who PKPOST(psygonkid?) apparantly holds in such high esteem..."
You flatter yourself.~
And goes on to say he holds his immediate family,,in the highest esteem,,and,,,
~the many family members and friends so bravely fighting the good fight against the scourge of li'l bush
and Slippery Dick Cheney and the misguided neo-quasi-intellects you neos like to
think you are.~
Which sounds very innocent yet it doesn't change what I claimed about him,,especially IF he is Muslim.
After all,,the ones I said he holds in high esteem,,they are his Muslim brothers,,aren't they?
~ I do not hold Right Wing Religious Conservative murderers in any higher regard than the noose they should dangle from.~
WOW,,like shown above,,that phrase easily includes His Muslim Family waging jihad through psychopathic tactics.It simply depends on which crowd you're looking out from.
But he did say it,,they should hang,and I agree.
~ This includes li'l bush and
Cheney, for, by many historical definitions and international standards of law, they
have behaved like tyrannical war criminals, and in other ages of history, they would be
hanged for their crimes against humanity with impunity and aforethought.~
AND,,even tho he fails to add it,,it includes BinLaden,Hussein,and any and all Muslims that wage jihad through murderous,barbaric,madhhi-evil and uncivilised tactics like what they are 'terrorising' the world with,,right now.
BTW,,the only way they got hung in history is the same way Saddam got hung now a days,,you have to defeat them first in order to detain them,then hang them,don't you?
Haha,,IOW,,,Bush did the thing you just said should occur to those that are doing what the Islamic jihadist are doing.
WOW,,thanks for finally agreeing with me.Maybe there is hope for you yet.
~And I suppose "...moonfruit..." is a term of endearment?~
I have been told by those who like it that is IS sweet,so I suppose some may think so.
~by your awesome powers of deduction, I hold terrorists in high esteem. You had to ramble to get there. And by a very circuitous route I might add.~
Here's the proof that I didn't need a 'round about route' to get to that conclusion:
~I hide behind no-one. I stand my ground firm and resolute. It is my neo-opponent who has shown where she HIDES; swimming in the pool of innocent blood spilled solely to reap the benefits of no-bid contracts from the American taxpayer; mongering fear and prosletyzing disquietude to ensure enormous profits at the gas pump and success at the ballot box, all the while brave American soldiers - who volunteered to defend America - are sent to their deaths driving over boobytrapped soccer balls while on their way to guard OIL pipelines in Iraq. The neo has been hiding in the bushes of the Grand neo-Lie for some time now. I stand in the light.~
~You shot into the crowd, like a coward always does, and the only marks you hit were the innocent; severly wounding the prestige and reputation of America at the same time.The innocent are continuing to die at your neo-hands, but if she doesn't die directly, America will certainly take decades to heal from the graven wounds inflicted
upon her by the neo.~
(which is illusrative of what they,,the MO-ists and pkposter,,expect the tactics of hiding amongst innocents will get them in regards to 'pychogandic effects' forcing America to kneel to The Moon God and his cheif politician,Mo.)
After all,,even the MO-ists know and admit that their actions contribute more directly to the number of civilians killed that the US troops actions are responsible for.
And then after all the above,,pkposter tries to go out witty,,while ending the post with the word 'moon'.I wonder if that qualifies him to get at least one houris in paradise.
~So load up your neo-guns - the end of the pestilence of the neo is nigh. But when you put that blue-steel barrel in your mouth, be sure to neo-squeeze the trigger firmly - your destiny will then bequeath to you on the moon.~
This doesn't even really make sense,,I am not Muslim,,I am a Christian,,we don't think committing suicide is a reasonable thing to do,,unlike murderous psychopaths that think it's okay as long as they kill others when they do it.
Never the less,,I'm still here and still shooting straight at this obvious piece of moonfruit known as pkpost(psygon kid?),
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man
06/13/07 01:26am Reply
What is the signifigance of this number?
One thousand, five hundred, five DAYS, almost 3/4 of a million DEAD, and 3 million people turned into HOMELESS REFUGEES since the li'l boy
in Pull-Ups snickered, smirked, and ignominiously declared "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" in Iraq during a pre-fab photo-op from the flight deck of
the USS Abraham Lincoln.
RE: 10
06/13/07 01:34am Reply
The 10 miles you would be willing to walk on your knees over broken glass in order to spout psychoganda about Bush and America.
Shooting straight at the moonfruit,
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man
The pkpost said:
~Wassamatter harpo? Did I strike a nerve?
YOU are the one who said you were a "...straight shooter...". I only mentioned what you were shooting at. The rest of your rambling sounds like shooting from the hip as well. Actually from around behind the hip - from your crack.~
(Can you believe this?He AGAIN shows his mindset with this statement and validates all of what I think of him.)
Hey,pkpost(psygonkid?)I never said I was a straight shooter,,just that I was shooting straight at a piece of moonfruit,you were the one that placed in in the middle of 'uninvolved fruit',just like a 'coward,,er,,a terrorist,,oops,,a psychotic suicidal murderer,,uh,,ummm,,oh yeh,,I
suppose some would say I should say,,an Islamic Fanatical Fundamentalist Insurgent/Freedom
Fighter' would.
To point out the 'psycho-gandic' techiques the pkpost lamely attempted to use.
1.Name calling.
3.Lies,,'mentioned what I was shooting at' is patently false.I ain't shooting at the
conservative rubberneckers',,I am shooting straight at MOONFRUIT.
4.Casting aspertions on my reasoning by deeing them 'ramblings'.
5.Ths isn't quite 'psychoganda' but is more likely evidence of a psychological mindset focused way too much on male rectums,and is probally an extension of the 'I am KHAN' attitude that seems to be common with the kind of MoWart Mentality the pkpost continuously exhibits.
6.All in the attempt to distract from any of the questions asked of him.Like this one,,,
Does it make you feel safer to know that your opponent doesn't want to harm the innocent folks you HIDE behind?
Hitting the mark,,square in the middle of this particular piece of moonfruit,
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man
RE: 10
06/13/07 10:43am
"...The 10 miles you would be willing to walk on your knees over broken glass in order to
spout psychoganda about Bush and America... Shooting straight at the moonfruit,..."
????? Shooting straight into a packed crowd of conservative
rubberneckers is more likely.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see...
RE: 10
06/14/07 09:01am
the pkpost said:
~????? Shooting straight into a packed crowd of conservative rubberneckers is more likely. ~
(Can you believe this?He essentially shows his mindset with this statement and validates all of what I think of him.)
Yep,,right before the bomb the moonfruit is carrying is triggered in order to MURDER all those conservatives rubber necking over the results of the last suicide murderer that fell from the moonfruit tree.
BTW,,considering the target,,it's expected,,aint that why YOU brought it up?
Isn't that why roo1 said 'you're wrapped up in the U.S.flag'?
Does it make you feel safer to know that your opponent doesn't want to harm the innocent folks you HIDE behind?
That just makes me MORE determined to aim straighter.
And since you put yourself in the middle of the conservatives,,don't be surprised when their 'rubber necks' swivel YOURWAY and you find that the safe zone turns into a 'inescapable pit' which you then get to sleep in with all those 'uncircumsized that also caused their terror in the land of the living'.
Shooting straight at the piece of moonfruit hiding behind and among innocent folks as IS THE COMMON BEHAVIOUR of the psychopathic murderers also known as Fanatical Islamist Militants who PKPOST(psygonkid?) apparantly holds in such high esteem,
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man
RE: 10
06/14/07 09:15am
~And into it humanity pumps nearly 3/4 of a million TONS of C02
every single day.~
Including the share pkpost puts out with every exhalation.
And that makes me want to ask pkpost,,why don't you hold your breath and help save the world?
IOW,,,why don't you 'wait to exhale',,untill you no longer need to and do yourself and the world a favor?
STILL,,,Shooting straight at the moonfruit,
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man
Created on ... June 15, 2007
(NXT-2) (3)
©Roy Harbin/The DANG – DinGIE American/2007®
roy harbin
is roy l.harbin aka,,the
dang-dingie american aka,,the evil white man