response to:
~There has been a lot of contention of
late,actually,about ohh,,50 years or
so,,concerning the
thing known as 'separation of church and
,,,,I saw a typing moose say:
~No that's not true...our founders
debated this issue too...they didn't want
a govt like the King the King of
England...he told the church to stuff it
and created his own church with his very
own Pope known as the Arch-Bishop. The
Pope didn't like the fact that he was not
adhering to the rules they were making up
as they went the King made up
his own rules...The English also have
they very own version of the Bible...It's
not the same as the one the Pope reads.~
Does anyone else besides me see what's
wrong here?
He,,ballwrinkle,,the typing moose,,typed:
~No that's not true...~
After all,,there has been contention for
50 years,,right?So,,what's not true?
Then he types:
~our founders debated this issue too~
and proves himself wrong by claiming or
rather inferring that 'separation of' is
equal to 'non establishment of'.They
ain't the same two things,,,are they?
The latter is what was debated and
clearly forbidden,,not the former.
The phrase,,'seperation of' isn't
findable in any official docs,,only in a
letter from Jefferson (I think) to some
fellow he corresponded with.Right?Wrong?
NOW,,the phrase,,'NOT Establish' is
And lets look at what the moose typed
about what King G was doing and see if
it's happening now.
1.~created his own church~
Has there been a newly created church of
'?' that was established by Bush or the
US Gov?
2.~The Pope didn't like the fact that he
was not adhering to the rules they were
making up as they went the
King made up his own rules...The English
also have they very own version of the
Bible...It's not the same as the one the
Pope reads~
Okay,,besides the fact that #1 simply
makes this bit moot:
Moose6,,were you going for an analogous
example,,or an entirely unrelated one?
As an entirely unrelated one,,you dood
good dood.
To wit:What does the pope and King George
have to do with Bush (except a first
name) and/or folks today trying to
implement a 'freedom FROM religion'
ideology under the guise of 'seperation
of church and state' which is presented
as 'non establishment of' said 'state
church' when the whole original idea was
to promote and establish 'freedom of
religion',,not 'freedom from religion'?
You didn't read the piece on my blog
before you posted your response
here,,,did you?
It's copesetic,dude.I understand,
The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man