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Article: "The Nazification of the American Left"
Member profile for natalukjoe Posts by natalukjoe
"The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 09:02am
by Paul R. Hollrah

The Nazification of the American Left
June 24, 2007 01:44 PM EST
For most of World War II, and before, the German people had access to just one newspaper and one radio station. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels also saw to it that Germans had little choice in radio equipment. The only radio set available to them was the Volksempfänger, designed to receive only local broadcasts. It insured that
Nazi propaganda broadcasts could be heard, while other media, such as the BBC, could not. Sound familiar? Given their desire to censor, even to prohibit, conservative speech, it is clear that American liberals are much more in tune with Goebbels than with our cherished First Amendment rights. Their physical assaults on conservative speakers on college campuses, the institutional bias against conservatives in public broadcasting, the concerted effort to staff mainstream media with none but liberal writers and commentators, their threat to destroy conservative talk radio, and much more, are all reminiscent of tactics employed by the Sturmabteilung (SA), also known as the ?Brownshirts,? in Hitler?s pre-war Germany. Imagine what Goebbels could have accomplished if he?d had what American fascists have had at their disposal for decades: four major television networks ? ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN ? with a stable of star-quality propagandists, such as Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bill Moyers, Keith Olbermann, and Rosie O?Donnell, in their pocket. Imagine what Goebbels could have accomplished if, instead of just one major propaganda organ, Das Reich, he?d had access to dozens of influential newspapers, such as The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times? all of which obediently parroted the party line. Taking all that into consideration, what most distinguishes the leftist propaganda assault of the past seven decades, or more, is not what they?ve been able to accomplish, but what they have failed to accomplish. With an almost total monopoly on news reporting and editorial content, American liberals and Democrats should have been able to gain undisputed control of the White House, the courts, and the Congress... but they haven?t. Until the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, American leftists had everything going their way, but the people were hungering for a measure of truth and objectivity in broadcast journalism and the demise of the horribly misnamed ?Fairness? Doctrine opened the door wide for the likes of Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh quickly became a household word, reaching an average of 13.5 million listeners weekly, and the left wing propaganda machine suffered its first major setback.
Member profile for natalukjoe Posts by natalukjoe
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 09:03am
As Daniel Henninger wrote in the Wall Street Journal, ?Ronald Reagan tore down this wall (the Fairness Doctrine) in 1987... and Rush Limbaugh was the first man to proclaim himself liberated from the East Germany of liberal media domination.?

But conservative talk radio was only the first major threat to the left wing propaganda machine. Beginning in 1996, the Fox Network came to television broadcasting, reaching some 85 million U.S. homes. Using the slogans ?Fair, Balanced, and Unafraid? and ?We Report ? You Decide,? Fox featured liberal commentators side-by-side with conservatives. Yet, in spite of the inherent fairness of the Fox approach, liberal critics complain that Fox is ?an unabashed supporter of conservative causes,? proving conclusively what we already knew: that the only programs that liberals consider ?fair and balanced? are those that communicate only the leftist point of view.

During his years as Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels employed a simple, but highly cynical set of rules. He said:

There is no truth, only what people believe to be true.
Control people?s perceptions of the world and you can control their beliefs.
A big lie is as believable as a small one.
Tell people what they want to hear; give them simple solutions to complex problems, enemies on whom they can blame their discontents, and promises to satisfy their narrow aspirations?
So what part of Goebbels? cynical philosophy does not describe the overall political approach of today?s Democrat Party?

George Soros, the anti-American billionaire who now owns a controlling interest in the party, said recently that Nazis are running the United States and that ?we have to go through a certain de-Nazification process.? He?s right. Fascists are on the ascendancy in America? but they?re not the people Soros has in mind.

If the American people wish to identify the key players in the move toward American-style fascism, all they need do is watch to see who stands up and salutes when the call goes out to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine.

Without being privy to their deliberations, one thing is certain: liberals and Democrats will not call for ?fairness? or ?equal time? from the major networks or from print media? where liberal ideology reigns supreme. They will call only for ?fairness? and ?equal time? in talk radio, where conservatives have the upper hand.

Unfair, you say? Not the way liberals and Democrats see it.

Member profile for dfcoll Posts by dfcoll
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 09:13am
Teddy Kennedy sings in Spanish, promises illegal alien activist that ?We won?t let you down, my friend? Update: Shamnesty?s ?too close to call?
Member profile for amoose6 Posts by amoose6
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 09:27am
So now you have it both ways!

The left has been taken over by Facists...LMAO! It's been your dream hasn't it?...this must make you guys very happy now that the extreme social left has seen the value of the extreme social right...LMAO!

Member profile for chuck-trevino Posts by chuck-trevino
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 09:28am
Teddy can sing in Spanish?

Man, is there no end to this man's talent?

Member profile for dgbseh Posts by dgbseh
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 09:49am
Now that would be something. Spanish sung in a New England accent. (Of course, Ted Kennedy would have to hire the same guy he hired to take his Harvard exam for him to do the singing.)
Member profile for wpitcher2 Posts by wpitcher2
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 10:58am
You have lost your wits. Fascism is the arena of the right wing of the political spectrum. Communism its opposite is the extreme of the left. Hitler, Togo and Mussolini's constituents were the equivalent of the industrial-military complex, who make profit from war, just as the fascists (Neocon) leadership in Washington. Corporate control of the government, leads to censorship through religious intollerance and control of the media. Most of the U. S. media follows Bush's BS, but public television has attempted a balanced approach. That is why the Bush administration has drastically reduced funding for public television, and they use the religious right to control sponsors. Thank God for the European news broadcasts, so we can learn what our gpovernment is doing.
Member profile for dfcoll Posts by dfcoll
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 11:08am
WND reported Friday that Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and Senate colleague Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., want to "fix" talk radio because of its conservative influence on America, according to Sen. James Inhofe.
Member profile for dfcoll Posts by dfcoll
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 11:24am

There is no truth, only what people believe to be true.
Control people’s perceptions of the world and you can control their beliefs.
A big lie is as believable as a small one.
Tell people what they want to hear; give them simple solutions to complex problems, enemies on whom they can blame their discontents, and promises to satisfy their narrow aspirations…
So what part of Goebbels’ cynical philosophy does not describe the overall political approach of today’s Democrat Party?

Member profile for dragonsflame1 Posts by dragonsflame1
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 11:30am
Nazis in the system realy . ok rip Van winkle and what time did you set your alarm
for? Just waking up to that huh. our personal freedoms have been going little by little
ever sence WW2. think back , oh say 50 years ago you had a little to much to drink the
cop pulls you over and he either takes you home of like Andy of Mayberry puts you
in a cell over night no fine no charge no impounding your car . now your pulled out
of your car beat with a billy club a knee is put to your neck your arms almost ripped
out of thier sockets and hand cuffs put on so tight it stops the blood to your hand. yep
good old freedom . remember when if a kid got out of line you could wipe em and they
learned from it . try that now just try see what happens to you why CYS will be on
you like stink on a skunk , the police will arest you for assult and the little
darlings will be laughing in your face. remember when School started with the pledge of
allegence and a morning prayer .well you can say the pleadge if you take out certian
words and just try praying in school now , a scum bag will shoot ya remember at
Christmas there was just Christmas and Navity secens were in the city park, now
theres quanset and nothing hinting at Christmas is a Religous Holiday why they even
took Christ out of that they call it Xmas and virtuly every one has forgoten its
Christs Birthday we are celebrating .now its buy me a new 1,500 pc or a 80.00 ipod
what you get me for christmas , what ever happened to its the thought that counts ,
people don't bake any more they buy the cookies n fudge , remember when Thanksgiving
was a Family Gathering? not no more people go to resteraunts and get turky there and
what of the Family Gathering , forget it , to bussy gas cost to much i'll miss my
show . remember when easter was a Celebration of Christ rising from the dead and kids
went Easter egg hunting and the night befor they colored eggs not no more you go to
the store n get colored eggs and again wheres my new cloths wheres my candy , . just
a very sad ending of what America once stood for . no we feel sorry for the guilty and
scorn the victim . sit to home and let some one else elect the pres then bitch about
it or what they do or don't do yep i see Nazies all over this
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Member profile for mitinka Posts by mitinka
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/25/07 01:12pm
Given their [liberals'] desire to censor, even to prohibit, conservative speech, it is clear that American liberals are much more in tune with Goebbels than with our cherished First Amendment rights.

What we see in this bitching and moaning about the left's prevalence in mainstream media, television, and universities, is the rightwingers' desire to censor liberal speech. And where this weasel insinuation "even to prohibit" came from? If this "nazification" rant refers to the Fairness Doctrine law, this law does not allow to "prohibit" any speech, it mandated dividing airwaves to let alternative opinion to be heard - conservatives who whine about the liberalism in MSM should be happy to have an equal opportunity to present their views, but somehow they are not. (Not that I was supportive of the Fairness Doctrine, I just don't like it when some scoundel opinion writer in a rightwing rag takes us for suckers.)

The rightwingers' view on the First amendment was well formulated on this board once: freedoms should be within the moral bounds endowed by our Creator. This is so perfect conservative definition of freedom, even Osama Bin Laden could subscribe to it. (Of course, there may be a little dispute on what those moral bounds exactly are, depending on which source you use as the Creator's instruction.)

Member profile for harbin336 Posts by harbin336
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/26/07 00:33am
In response to:

~There has been a lot of contention of late,actually,about ohh,,50 years or so,,concerning the
thing known as 'separation of church and state'.~

,,,,I saw a typing moose say:

~No that's not true...our founders debated this issue too...they didn't want a govt like the King the King of England...he told the church to stuff it and created his own church with his very own Pope known as the Arch-Bishop. The Pope didn't like the fact that he was not adhering to the rules they were making up as they went the King made up his own rules...The English also have they very own version of the Bible...It's not the same as the one the Pope reads.~

Does anyone else besides me see what's wrong here?
He,,ballwrinkle,,the typing moose,,typed:
~No that's not true...~

After all,,there has been contention for 50 years,,right?So,,what's not true?

Then he types:
~our founders debated this issue too~

and proves himself wrong by claiming or rather inferring that 'separation of' is equal to 'non establishment of'.They ain't the same two things,,,are they?
The latter is what was debated and clearly forbidden,,not the former.
The phrase,,'seperation of' isn't findable in any official docs,,only in a letter from Jefferson (I think) to some fellow he corresponded with.Right?Wrong?
NOW,,the phrase,,'NOT Establish' is findable.Right?Wrong?

And lets look at what the moose typed about what King G was doing and see if it's happening now.

1.~created his own church~

Has there been a newly created church of '?' that was established by Bush or the US Gov?

2.~The Pope didn't like the fact that he was not adhering to the rules they were making up as they went the King made up his own rules...The English also have they very own version of the Bible...It's not the same as the one the Pope reads~

Okay,,besides the fact that #1 simply makes this bit moot:

Moose6,,were you going for an analogous example,,or an entirely unrelated one?
As an entirely unrelated one,,you dood good dood.

To wit:What does the pope and King George have to do with Bush (except a first name) and/or folks today trying to implement a 'freedom FROM religion' ideology under the guise of 'seperation of church and state' which is presented as 'non establishment of' said 'state church' when the whole original idea was to promote and establish 'freedom of religion',,not 'freedom from religion'?

You didn't read the piece on my blog before you posted your response here,,,did you?

It's copesetic,dude.I understand,

The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man

Member profile for harbin336 Posts by harbin336
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/26/07 00:36am
ballwrinkle,the typing,moose banged out:

~The Stokes trial also caused quite a stir but that was lot's longer than 50 years ago...~

yeah,,okay,,and that relates to my article,,how?
Or how is that related to Nazi-ism being able to rise in a nation filled with morally
mindful citizens that hold their 'church' in their minds and hearts?

~Oh....50 years ago is when we saw the govt motto changed to "In God we Trust" and we also put
God in the Pledge of Allegiance in the that what you are referring to?~

NO,,not exactly.But now that you mention it and ask:

~How'd those things get left out to begin with? ~

The founders and their successors never figured 'moral depravity' would ever sink so low in the US as to have a need to remind folks that God is more trust worthy than money.(I hear the question,,the answer is,,Or else they would have put 'In Money We Trust' on the money.)

And this one loses me:
~Who were the 'atheists' back then?~

Back in Ancient Rome,,Christians and Hebrews were considered 'atheists'.
An 'A - Theist',,a believer in a single God.As opposed to multiple gods like the Roman Pantheon.

English is pretty wild,ain't it?It's got so many 'foriegn words' in it you
could say it's made from all the other languages of the world.

Got context?

The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man

Member profile for harbin336 Posts by harbin336
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/26/07 01:00am

You wrote:

~Remember the famous "Leave God's things to God, and Caesar's things to Caesar"? And why it was said? Some inquisitive types tried to get Jesus Nazarene on denying the Government authority to collect taxes (that would be treason then), and asked, if, according to God, it was OK to pay what would be today Federal taxes. (See, the hot discussion topics have not changed for the last 2000 years.) He asked to show him the coin with which the taxes are paid; he was shown one, and then asked, whose name and image was on the coin. The answer was, "Caesar's". So, he said, give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Well, if Christ were given today's American bill, he
could not respond this way - there is God's name and image on the money! (The God's image is on the paper bills - the eye in a pyramid.) ~

To which I must respond with:

He could still respond the same way.

Do you remember the other instance,,right before he told that dude to go get 'tribute' money for the both of them from the first fish he found?

You know,,the instance where Yeshua asks who do 'they' demand tribute from.And the answer is,,from the strangers,,'not the children'.Right?
He then tells that dude,,
Never the less,,so we don't make 'em mad,,go get money from a fish to pay them.

Aww,,wait,,I allready know how you and 'silvrii' do stuff,,so here:

And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute?

He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers?

Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free.

Mt 17:27
Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.~

With all due respect to all on this earth,

The DANG - DinGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man

Member profile for mitinka Posts by mitinka
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/26/07 02:38am
I am not sure how the Mt 17:24 goes with the episode I referred to. The tribute was not exactly Caesar's business, it was a temple tax, that is, had something to do with God.
Member profile for amoose6 Posts by amoose6
RE: "The Nazification of the American Left"
06/26/07 08:09am
You didn't read the piece on my blog before you posted your response here,,,did you?


No I didn't...wanna know why? Because this debate about separation has been going on since our founding...

The Stokes trial had nothing to do with the Nazi' had to do with out of touch politicians...a conservative democrat (Bryan's) didn't like what was being taught with govt money.

In the 1950's govt tried to fool us into believing we were better than another country because we had faith and they didn't...what crap that is...some call it propaganda, like me!

My govt and you ought to be more interested in real issues that have substance and real morals and values that have to do with being a good American citizen rather than having govt tell me to go to church to be a good American.

You socialists who believe that govt has some role in the morals of my family ought to first make the govt act morally and according to church other words do as Jesus taught and all become commies/socialists because that is what Jesus called for...isn't it?

Jesus didn't know that being a commie or a socialists was wrong...all he knew was that Capitalism was wrong and pointed that out often...

You just don't get it do you? Really, that govt just has no place telling me not to kill when they request it of me as a voluntary tax or when they murder someone for my safety when it's cheaper to lock them up for their crimes...sends all the wrong messages...don't it?

Has it ever occurred to you that many of us Christians in the real world are disgusted by the fact that our govt is immoral and wrong according to our faiths...and here you are advocating that govt must do something to put god back in my life...

you should practice what you preach and then make the govt do it too. not me!

A good Christian does not call others he is having a discussion with names to discredit what they/he is trying to say...I don't call you names and never have yet you think this is somehow funny??? I guess???

All it shows is how much of a hypocrite you really are and you my friend are the one my good book says I should avoid...You don't care about Gods word, only thing you care about is that govt isn't forcing everybody to adhere to some moral code that they themselves don't comply with...

Our govt is murdering people right now and you don't seem to think that is wrong...Why?

You think the death penalty is cool too, don't ya? That is a greater evil than not having govt make rules for me that they can't follow themselves...

get a life willya...and stop calling me names...if you don't understand something I post ask me to clarify and I will try...

one of the issues here is that it has become accepted by almost everyone that it is/was 1st ok for the city to run our schools instead of the people, next it was ok for the state to take it over and now the federal govt has taken it over and have set all the standards and benchmarks and you do not see that, you see evil that they are not making us learn about more groups of organized hypocrites (chuches) who don't practice what they preach...or have you forgotten that the church has called for war, inquisitions to convert Jews who it says right in His book that he has a plan for the people he has Chosen, which are the Jews, not those who choose to follow Jesus.

Hypocrites the dang bunch of ya's..

mit...not paying a tax is tax evasion...I don't think it's treasonous???

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Created on ... June 26, 2007

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roy harbin is roy l.harbin aka,,the dang-dingie american aka,,the evil white man