don't exactly understand the subject here: ~It is just for
those who argued that US always goes between two
countries.~ What is the 'it'?
this one maybe would be believable if I had at least heard of
the Kuwatis complaining about whatever troops are there. ~Sr
Bush did not set free Kuwait from Iraq but made a position
and place for his troops in the region.~
finally gets to: ~Another arguing point is Israel. Needless
to mention, Muslim dislike and hate Israel, why? Just
because of having occupied Palestinian territory.~ Awww,come
on,,it's way more than that.This is an obvious
misrepresentation of the case. If that was the only
reason,,then why did certain Muslim sects help Hitler
exterminate Jews before they ever got Palestine back?
find this plainly disengenuous sounding: ~Today, if Israel
announces to withdraw her troops from occupied territory, I
will RECOGNISE Israel with soul and heart. But at the moment
I cannot when it is not only occupied the land but also
killing the people who are protesting.~ With all the land
the Arab nations have,,why don't they divy some out to the
Pals?Wouldn't that be the 'brotherly thing' to do? After
all,,compared to the Muslim Empire,,the Israelis only want a
tiny little piece of the 'hood.And Muslim control the Temple
Mount to boot,,what more do you want? Where is the famous
Muslim/Islamic tolerance and generously equitable heart?Why
would anyone want to advocate genocide?
we go with more of it: ~Final question why Muslim hate US?
Because of supporting Israel openly in terms of Palestine
territory. If US is really fighting for the rights of poor then
Bush is supposed to do something for the poor Palestinians
too whose lands have been occupied.~ Bush,,i.e.,the US
allready gives the Pals help.Why doesn't the Muslim/Islamic
Empire just let them have what they
need?Land,,money,,whatever.They are richer than the US,,aren't
they? Why don't the Muslim Brothers of the Pals help
them?Why do the Muslims force the Pals to turn to the US or any
other nation? Come on,,can't the Muslim/Islamic Empire take
care of their own instead of expecting some decadent
Judeo-Christian western nation to do that?
is an obvious contradiction to a previous statement: ~Kuwait
was liberated immediately from the occupation of Saddam ...why?
Answer is simple: Because it involves wealth.~ This is
what he said above: ~Sr Bush did not set free Kuwait from
Iraq but made a position and place for his troops in the
region. ~ Ahh,liberated,,or not,,That 'tis the
comes a shade of Mel G.: ~But Bush will not let the
Palestinians get back their territory from Israel. Why?
Because according to American scholars, writers
and journalists, American foreign policy makers are mostly
JEWISH rather than CHRISTIANS.~ Wow,,can you believe
this?Hey,,Marwat,,I ain't a Jewish person,,nor Israeli/Hebrew
at all and I don't think they should either. I am a
Christian,,albeit not a common mainstream one.Have you thought
that perhaps my above reasonings make more sense than depriving
a small inconsequential to The Islamic Empire people have a
little corner? The Islamic Empire controls vast tracts of
land and has the financial power of the worlds leading oil
producers and the wisdom of an ancient enlightened
culture.Couldn't they act like it? What an advance for the
peace process,,and what a slap to the West if the Islamic
Empire were to just say,,never mind,,we can give them all they
cont ~>