A Joint Word Work:Spoofing a PK(Psychotic Kisser)Post

This is a 'spoof' of one of pkposts posts.I call it a joint word work because it came from both of us,,credit where credit due.
It is a way of revealing the formula it appears such as he uses in these kinds of missives.
(As an aside:while reading a speech by the politico H.Reid,,I had an undeniable feeling that I had read speech,word and logic patterns very much like his before.Then,,it hit me.To me,,based on what I've read,,these two,,Reid and pkpost exhibit very similar logic and phrase usage.)

original thread on excites politics board was titled 'It aint the media':

A Joint Work
Member profile for harbin336 Posts by harbin336
RE: It ain
07/10/07 00:14am
Filtered for truth:

The argument over the terroristic mass murderer's effect on peace has been going on for many
decades - centuries even. But for rah- rah- let's- kill- 'em- all- glorious-
fun supporters of murder as a means to an end, it usually boils down to the
same thing: they do want the media to report on the TRUTH of the
horrors of the murders they committ and the results of folks opposing them.

In the eyes of the terroristic mass murderer, the TRUTH is usually the first weapon of
war. And they like it that way. It keeps the taste of the victims inocent blood
ever so sweet in their mouths and the pain ever so present in their victims minds. A truthful media only serves to spread the brew.

Warmongering mass murderers do want the relatives and neighbors of those blown to
pieces to KNOW that their loved ones and friends are being blown to
pieces. Especially if the cause of the fighting is supposedly religious.

They also prefer to DISPLAY the DEAD by hanging them up in the middle of
bridges;mutilate their bodies and film kids cutting off heads,demand that their enemy station photographers (with orders to shoot to angst filled pictures) anywhere a
camera might get a picture of a string of flag draped coffins coming down
the ramp of a C-130. The idea being akin to: if you see the dead in the box, then YOU aren't dead. Yet.

And they certainly do want the public to be kept apprised of the hideous
atrocities they have committed against civilians and the innocent, the murder of
children, the wanton dispatch of torture, and all things that help make their victims want to bow to end the suffering,,unfortunately,it's plain that
their minds are so horrendous and heinous it is inconceivable they won't continue indiscriminatly murderering folks.

This catastrophic blood bath the murderous mo-ists have senselessly
created in Iraq is an example of the atrocities that men will commit from behind a facade of religious zeal in order to garner petty political power.

The murderous maniacs many supporters somehow believe that if the media showed more dead bodies more often,
and spread more pro-psychotic propaganda in a thicker, more encompassing
goo, or simply POINTED at the carnage the way that PkPost & Co. has chosen
to do, that the outcome of murder and war with the 'defenders of the meek' would be all peachy keen for the maniacal moists. As long
as everyone knows about it, the gruesome behaviors resulting body count broadcast within many a
news article are GREAT since it makes the 'caring people want to capitulate.Just shhh....


cont nxt post ~>

Member profile for harbin336 Posts by harbin336
RE: It ain
07/10/07 00:17am
~ cont from prev post ~

Naiveté about their 'masters' role in manipulating him to kill always dogs the mujahdeen when he
enters the carnage. Later, when he is alone and away from the mind numbing
chaos produced through psychogandic mind control and heroin/morphine spiked cool-aid, he realizes the soldiers were only doing the job all should do,,protect the weak and defenseless.

It IS the media that is part of the problem with what is going on in Iraq. It isn't showing enough of the
the bloody truth of it all, buoyed by the sore attacks on the LEADERSHIP
and obsession with revenge on one man at the highest levels of the sub-administration that IS, WAS,
and will CONTINUE to be the cause of America's distraction from the true cause of this war.
The murderous maniacal psychotics and their supporters are degenerates of the highest degree.
They should blow them selves up at the earliest possible opportunity. Let The Lord
figure out what to do with them after that (fortunately there is no statute of
limitations on SOUL CRIMES - even those that blew themselves up murdering innocent folks will see justice yet!).

The cowardly response by certain factions in America was widely predicted by foreign politicians, diplomats,
and, not insignificantly, OSAMA BIN LADEN. The abject LACK of participation
by so many many many long time allies of the US was a clear indicator of
their cowardice or complicity. Where the US media let Americans down, was by NOT calling these
'priviledge' soaked capitulators in our Political Arena out on it SOONER, and in the ways
that so much of the pro-Islamic antiAmerican foreign media was aghast about the impending
senseable and necessary invasion. Maybe if OUR OWN media had
ragged a little tougher on the Islamists about the blatant hate speech they were spewing like so much TB blackened sputum in order
to justify attacking AMERICA on a bogus religious war platform, maybe,
maybe, just maybe, the American people could have mustered more
support within Congress to stand UNITED AGAINST the murderous psychopaths. Contrary to what the maniacs supporters would have you believe,
the votes were far from bi-partisan nor were they unanimous. There was a
fair amount of dissent, and in terms of the gravity of sending troops out to defend innocent civilians from murderous psychopaths, there were a LOT of votes FOR going to a war we did not instigate nor deserve
to be brought in to.

So the next time you hear some PERSON blame the
media for the support or lack of,for the ongoing catastrophic mass murder disaster in Iraq,
remember this: it is NOT bias in the media that is responsible for
3602 brave American soldiers lives WASTED in Iraq, it is the Maniacal Murderous Psychopaths they were defending millions of innocent folks from.
It is their legacy.Those dead soldiers are heros like those dead suicidal murderers only believed they would be due to mental manipulation by 'unscrupulous cruel leaders'.

Disecting the fruit to expose the truth behind the facade,

The DANG - DInGIE American
aka,, The Evil White Man

The spoofed original:



Article: It's all the media's fault
Member profile for pkpost Posts by pkpost
It's all the media's fault
07/09/07 09:51pm
The argument over the media's effect on war has been going on for many
decades - centuries even. But for rah- rah- war- is- kill- 'em- all- glorious-
fun supporters of war as a means to an end, it usually boils down to the
same thing: they do NOT want the media to report on the TRUTH of the
horrors of war.

In the eyes of the warmonger, the TRUTH is usually the first casualty of
war. And they like it that way. It keeps the taste of so-called enemy blood
ever so sweet. A truthful media only serves to sour the brew.

Warmongers do NOT want the relatives and neighbors of those blown to
pieces to KNOW that their loved ones and friends are being blown to
pieces. Especially if the cause of the fighting is suspect (OIL), or
unnecessary (NO WMDs).

They also prefer to HIDE the DEAD by bringing them home in the middle of
the night; station armed guards (with orders to shoot to kill) anywhere a
camera might get a picture of a string of flag draped coffins coming down
the ramp of a C-130. The idea being akin to Schradinger's cat: if you don't
see the dead in the box, they aren't really dead. Yet.

And they certainly do not want the public to be kept apprised of the hideous
atrocities committed against civilians and the innocent, the murder of
children, the wanton dispatch of torture, and all things that make do make
war such a useless and wasteful endeavor. Better to just kill 'em all and
keep quiet about it.

This catastrophic blood bath li'l bush has so erroneously and senselessly
created in Iraq is no exception.

Our war supporters somehow believe that if the media LIED more often,
and spread more pro-war propaganda in a thicker, more encompassing
goo, or simply IGNORED the carnage the way that Faux Noise has chosen
to do, that the outcome of battle and war would be all peachy keen. As long
as no-one knows about it, the gruesome behavior contained within many a
battle are OK. Just shhh....
Member profile for pkpost Posts by pkpost
It ain't the media
07/09/07 09:52pm
Naiveté about the media's role in war always dogs the soldier when he
enters the fray. Later, when he is home and away from the mind numbing
chaos, he realizes the reporters were only doing their job.

It is NOT the media that is the problem with what is going on in Iraq. It is
the bloody wastefulness of it all, buoyed by the sore LACK of LEADERSHIP
and foresight at the highest levels of this mis-administration that IS, WAS,
and will CONTINUE to be the cause of America's displeasure with this war.
li'l bush and Slippery Dick Cheney are fuck ups of the highest measure.
They should resign at the earliest possible opportunity. Let the Hague
figure out what to do with them after that (fortunately there is no statute of
limitations on WAR CRIMES - bush and Cheney may see justice yet!).

The disaster in Iraq was widely predicted by foreign politicians, diplomats,
and, not insignificantly, the foreign media. The abject LACK of participation
by so many many many long time allies of the US was a clear indicator of
this. Where the US media let Americans down, was by NOT calling these
OIL soaked mugs in the White House out on it SOONER, and in the ways
that so much of the foreign free media was afire about the impending
senseless and unnecessary invasion. Maybe if OUR OWN media had
ragged a little tougher on li'l bush and Slippery Dick Cheney about the bald
faced LIES they were spewing like so much TB blackened sputum in order
to justify dragging AMERICA into the bogus war against Iraq, maybe,
maybe, just maybe, the American people could have mustered more
support in Congress to vote AGAINST the authorization (77-23 in the
Senate; not ONE republican against, 286-133 in the House; only 6
republicans against. Contrary to what the neos would have you believe,
the votes were far from bi-partisan nor were they unanimous. There was a
fair amount of dissent, and in terms of the gravity of sending troops out to
get killed, that is a LOT of votes AGAINST going to a war we did not need to
go to).

So the next time you hear some neo-wartontheassofprogress blame the
media for the lack of support for the ongoing catastrophic disaster in Iraq,
remember this: it is NOT liberal bias in the media that is responsible for
3602 brave American soldiers lives WASTED in Iraq, it is li'l bush and
Slippery Dick Cheney. It is their legacy. And I think they should brush up
on their Dutch. They're going to need it.

Created on ... August 04, 2007

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roy harbin is roy l.harbin aka,,the dang-dingie american aka,,the evil white man