love these racists. old white
people . i wonder if any one
remembers awhile back the
old guy that fathered over 80
kids in his life time usely with
young girls about 16 or
so n up . i point this out not
only as to show old men any way
can father childern but
a diffrent time when that wasn't
concitered wrong. now days we'd
lable him a leterious
old perv. and rightly so . as for
a glock 17 , well if your in a
closet and accercy
isn't a factor ,then maybe , but
if your looking for fire power ,
then you need the
following weapons: .44 Auto mag
.50 cal semi auto rifle , a ar 15
a Weatherby mark 4
and a good Greener sawed off shot
gun. i sure hope the refrences to
the doom n gloom
isn't attemps to raise old davy
Kresh up from the grave with hid
delusions of the end
of the world. there are the Jim
jones and those of thier type
around every where .
thing is be informed , don't wait
for information to come to you go
find out the truth
for your self . history is full
of porphets for telling the end ,
and we are still
here , i've heard it for years
every little thing that comes up
, "its a sign" .ive
said befor and i say again when
ever who ever , what ever comes
for me they need
bring only 1 thing Body
bags........ alot of them
The real
problem with the comments in the
original post is that the news
media said little or nothing. How
if a white person had made any of
those remarks it would have been
in the new for a week or more and
demands for apologies from all
over the world.
"Go back to
Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock,
Pilgrims! Get out! We are the
future. You are old and tired. Go
on. We have beaten you. Leave
like beaten rats. You old white
people. It is your duty to die .
. Through love of having
children, we are going to take
over. Augustin Cebada, Brown
Okay, I
say sure let them take over
America, BUT first, white people
must leave the country, and take
all their money with them! Then
the white people must destroy all
inventions created by white man
before they leave.
The native
americans, blacks, and hispanics
must start this country all over
again, using their OWN skills,
intellect, education and pure
ingenuity and build this country
from nothing, just like the white
people did.
I say, go
for it and see how successful
they'll be without the 'white'
think that there always some
extreme examples of militants in
every society. I discount it,
1. Most people come here to get
jobs so that they can make a
better life for their families.
The productivity of the current
economic system is the mechanism
to create those jobs and
2. They do not want to create
another Mexico here, because they
decided to leave Mexico and its
extensive corruption, even worse
than the U. S.
3. You may notice that most
Mexican immigrants have dark
skins and evidence of indian
ancestry. If you look at Urban
Mexico in its television, big
business, and colleges you see
people of lighter skin, and more
European Characteristics. It is
likely that our laws here provide
more equality under the law and
more opportunities.
4. In the area where I live
(Northern California) and New
Mexico (Recent visit to
Albuquerque), the second
generation Latinos speak ENGLISH
as their primary language, have
cell phones and go to college.
You can create a lot of fear
repeating the dialog of the
extremists, but nobody from
Mexico realistically wants to
destroy this society, they just
want to be a part of it.