- harbin336
Reply -
are you so adversarial..~
you please elucidate on that? Tell me at which point I began to
display a confrontation attitude. Seriously,,I would like to
know exactly what it is YOU consider confrontational.
was trying to have you conform to the way this board and it's
regulars operate.~
Conform? Why? Why
do you feel the need to 'force' me into a 'particular' mode of
behavior? Face it,man,,you got irked at me,,because you feel I
butted in. And then,,to make it worse.You couldn't out debate
my position.
was giving you a signal that would have helped your effort to
promote yourself and your website...~
were 'GIVING' me a signal? Exactly what was the 'signal'? Was
it when you said to 'pk' (in the 1652 thread) that I was 'using
posts' to promote my site? Was THAT the
And,,besides,,what do you think I did? Did you
see the links in the responses I posted in this
thread? http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503857...
http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503857... http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503857... http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503857...
even thanked you for 'giving me the opportunity'. Go
look: http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503857...
always seem to take my words as if I was being contrary..~
just want other folks to believe that. Besides,,YOU know that
most of yours have been.
remember: http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503494...
~Why are you blinded by that roy...does it have any thing to
do with being an angry white man or whatever it is you want others
to know you by? ~ & ~Giving you more respect than you
deserve, as I always
do...infun~ OR http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503494...
~You are not as smart as what you think...yes you are well
read but that don't translate into intelligently working out
complicated power struggles that were meant to divide not
unite...Marriage in the 16th century was different from today. It
meant other things tahn what it is today. The Pope was correct in
what he did when he denied the King his way. The spoiled brat went
and did it anyways and that led to hate...like all WASP's hate is
the fuel that feeds their bigotry. Personally I think you are a
poster who is well informed but not smart enough to use the data
in a way that is useful to anyone but yourself. In other words you
are ful of shit! That's not a bad thing it just is.... You
are very narrow-minded and most self centered....but hey if that's
what makes it happen for you then go for it roy...go for it.~
that not contrary?
cont next post ~>
harbin 11/12/07
cont from prev post ~>
this?: http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503494...
~It (the name calling and disrespect you have) certainly won't
get me to take you seriously and have real discussions with
you...that won't happen until you grow up and stop being so
condescending... You have a warped sense of reality and it
comes from not being too smart or as we say in my neck of the
woods ...awful smart.......your brain isn't wired properly or
something...I'm not a shrink so the terminology eludes me... All
I know is a little information in the wrong hands (such as yours)
is a dangerous thing. Fortunately you are not smart enough to get
over on most others and therefore of very little consequence...~
that or you are just a contrary kinda guy who needs to vent in
this manner.~
that,,I just showed that you do 'type' contrary,,,it seems that
what you seem to think I seem to do regarding taking your words
contrary could be considered appropiate,,, and it illustrates how
me being one of those that needs to 'vent like that' is simply
erroneous at best and an egregious attempt at 'rewriting'
perception of the events to suit your desired perception,,at
worst. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=egregious&am...=*
like I told you before,,it makes you seem 'quite pretensious' to
is fine there is room on the back 40 for you to talk to
where else is 'only a clik or so' away. But,,um,,aren't you
talking to me?
have no problem if you want to keep all your knowledge to
yourself.~ Yeah,,I know. Selective amnesia and purposeful
ignorance. That's about what I would expect from someone who
calls him self a ~Libertarian Capitalist~ who says ~I am a
regerstered Indepentant and vote that way. Party politics are for
Commies and Nazi's.~,,,yet seems to follow The Popes Party based
on your apparent idolization of Guy Fawkes that was displayed
here: http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=503494...
a little and have some fun once in awhile with us..~
do,,I have and I am. But please,,tell me exactly what your idea
of 'fun' in a 'political discussion forum' is.
find opportunities to poke fun at me, my name and what I post but
it doesn't have to be that way all the time.~
not,,,is it? Remember this
thread? http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=502870...
(or did you forget THIS entry in The Staks as well as that
thread?: http://thestaks.tripod.com/archives/excite/9_bible_qu...
) http://boards.excite.com/jsp/topicview.jsp?tid=502870...
That only happens when you go all 'royally pretensious' on
me. Like The Pope did on that King you apparently thought it
was okay for Guy F. to try to 'assassinate' way back then.
cont from prev post ~>
harbin 11/12/07
cont from prev post ~
it's good to have a wholesome debate and discussion ~
the position of those advocating assassination over 'politics
hiding behind religious facades' is an element of a wholesome
debate? http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wholesome Exactly
how? (and,,GO!It's in your court.Or do you want 'to volley'
you don't know how to do that all you can do is editorialize about
the world around you.~
and I both know that THAT description fits you way better than it
fits me.
not try joining it and stop with this self imposed exile...~
dude,,that just sounds creepy.
like some cult member running recruitment lines)
curious,,how many of 'regular posters' feel the same?
any of you 'regular posters' read this,,please go to one of the
below places and say that you agree with 'duh moose',,or say that
you don't,,please. Use any,,but I would like you guys to use
this first one:
forum: http://royharbin.tripod.master.com/texis/master/searc... moderated: http://royharbin.tripod.master.com/texis/master/searc... registered: http://royharbin.tripod.master.com/texis/master/searc...
this,,once: http://royharbin.tripod.master.com/texis/master/searc...
there's this one,,you DO NOT have to fill in all that info,,just
an email addy:
fer gibbin me duh opoortoonatee tuh 'pro-mote' muh website an
stuff. I rally awprecertates it,dood.
DANG ~smirkin~ DInGIE American aka,, The Evil White Man
harbin 11/12/07
you say, harby, whatever you say...
self absorbed, marginally intelligent, but with little else to do
but bask in the glow of his lack of self esteem as illuminated
by the blue-white luminecent reflectence of little grey-scale
lettering pounding into the backsides of his own retinae ad
Indy, you give this dickhead WAY too much
credit. Unique though he may be, special he is not. Throughout
the vast link-ed repetoire he regaled us with here, the theme is
all too common - he NEVER listens to anyone but himself, NEVER
admits to making a mistake, NEVER fesses up to being wrong,
racist, or otherwise any the lessor than the glorious picture
of bloviounce that he paints of himself. His moniker of the
"Evil White Man" is about the most honest portrayal of
his TRUE persona. And as such, in my experience with his
totally distorted and disoriented view of reality, he should be
regarded appropriately.
Harby, I heard somewhere that
the EMPTY can is the one that rattles the most. May you and your
right wing rattling rust accordingly.
harbin 11/13/07
you say, harby, whatever you say...~
don't mean that and you know it,,ya fibber!!
self absorbed, marginally intelligent, but with little else to do
but bask in the glow of his lack of self esteem as illuminated
by the blue-white luminecent reflectence of little grey-scale
lettering pounding into the backsides of his own retinae ad
wuv you too.
you give this dickhead WAY too much credit.~
blew it!After ya pulled off that well worked sentence,,you went
and got vulgar. (and you called me,,marginally what?)
though he may be, special he is not.~
contraire mon ami,,there's only ONE me. IOW,,I am just as
special as YOU. BUT,,I don't oppose those who oppose murderous
psychopaths running amok,,freely spreading terror and anguish
among innocent folks in order to gain political leverage from
behind a 'religious' facade.
the vast link-ed repetoire he regaled us with here,~
Moose say he gave 'the signal'?????? Besides,,since Abu was
kind enough to start 'a thread named harbin' wouldn't I be rude if
I did NOT use it? (He was sooo nice I wouldn't want to hurt his
feelings by NOT using his 'gift' the way HE inferred it was
theme is all too common - he NEVER listens to anyone but himself,~
yet,,I am the one that actually replies to the things YOU
write. Line by line. I am the one that actually offers
ANSWERS for questions asked. How and what do you do? So,,who
'NEVER listens to anyone but himself'? ME?
admits to making a mistake,~
you have one in mind? Point it out.If it's valid,,unlike
many,,I will admit my mistake. Go ahead,,find one.I am sure you
can.I make one about 20% of the time,,on average. For
instance,,did ya notice how messed up I had that search box here:
before I straightened it out?)
fesses up to being wrong,~
I'm not,,should I? But,,please,,point at something I said that
YOU consider wrong and let's discuss (and test) the validity of
your assertion.
Racist? WHAT
IS IT with you and racism? Must everyone YOU dislike be deemed
'racist'? You are the one who consistantly brings up
racism. Usually you start whining about it right around the
time you are being defeated in some 'intellectual' exchange. Isn't
it just astounding at how 'convenient' that is for you?
cont next post ~>
harbin 11/13/07
cont from prev post ~
otherwise any the lessor than the glorious picture of bloviounce~
Okay,,bloviounce? Can't
you just say 'nothingness'? Because that's what that word
means,,'nothing'. It ain't a word according to
this: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bloviounce&a...=*
he paints of himself.~
I paint a picture,,it won't be 'nothing'. God was kind,,he gave
me lottsa talent when it comes to artistic endeavors. IOW,,I'm
actually pretty good with a brush.
moniker of the "Evil White Man" is about the most honest
portrayal of his TRUE persona.~
course YOU would say that since you are a good example of a 'white
folk hating' bigoted minded racist. And I bet you are white
yourself,,ain't ya? (A self loathing moonfruit luvin
'cracker',,what a hoot!) Hey,,how is using what I call myself
as a way to 'cast aspersions' at me something you think is worth
as such,in my experience with his totally distorted and
disoriented view of reality,~
yet in this very post I pointd out more than one example of your
persistant refusal to aknowledge reality. The very sentence you
wrote even is a prime example of 'distortion' by YOU,,of
reality. Yet,,that is expectable,,especially considering your
penchant for attempting 'psychogandic machinations'. As in,,par
for YOUR course.
should be regarded appropriately.~
L. Harbin: The DANG-DInGIE American aka,, The Evil White Man
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