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re:prehistoric insects
~although such fragments might be easily identified as belonging to a general group or particular insect order, those that an expert could recognise again with confidence as being the same as a fossil species already described, or perhaps identical or similar to a species that still exists today, are very few. ~
comparative photo:;_ylt=Aqd6Aoz0Y8O_YtxARw7qlgAiANEA
re:hobbit being better identified by wrist bones
~Tocheri, an expert in the evolution of the human wrist, could see immediately that the hobbit's wrist bones looked just like those of a chimpanzee, or an early hominid such as Australopithecus, and had none of the specialisations for grasping that are seen in the wrist bones of modern humans. A careful statistical comparison gave the same conclusion.~
re:out of place & time artifacts
~One of the more controversial of the "out-of-place" bones from extreme antiquity is today part of the collection of the Freiberg Mining Academy in West Germany. It is a poorly preserved human skull, found in brown coal in 1842, from an undisclosed locality. Early European authorities dismissed the skull as a fake, but more recent research and analysis has questioned this hasty pronouncement, putting it back into the realm of the authentic. The reason for its initial denunciation is understandable: The coal it was embedded in, a portion of which still clings to the skull, is estimated to be as much as 50 million years old. ~
~More finds, made in the last century, were similarly reported, and promptly forgotten. The Saturday Herald of Iowa City carried an article that on April 10, 1867, human remains and artifacts were brought to light at the Rocky Point Mine, in Gilman, Colorado. At a depth of 400 feet below the surface, excavators found human bones embedded in a silver vein. Along with the bones was found a well-tempered copper arrowhead. As best as can be calculated, the vein in which the items were situated was 135 million years old, by present geological standards. ((SR. #2)) ~
~Dr. R.W. Booth, who operated an iron mine about 3 miles from Dry Branch, in Franklin County, Missouri, unearthed from a depth of 18 feet a human skull, portions of ribs, vertebrae and a collar bone. With them were two barbed arrowheads of flint, and pieces of charcoal. Dr. Booth realized the significance of all this, but was frustrated when at just a touch the skull crumbled to dust, and the other bones likewise broke into pieces. But these pieces nevertheless told their story: Later analysis showed they were definitely human. Two and a half weeks later, Dr. Booth reached a level of 24 feet, and found more of the same skeleton - a thigh bone, vertebrae, and more charred wood. What is more, the remains were found resting on a layer of iron ore, which bore the impressions of coarse matting. One could still see the marks of criss-crossing fibers. What astounded Booth was that the layer in which both portions were dug up was the second or saccharoidal sandstone of the Lower Silurian - dated an incredible 425 million years old. ~
re:vulcanism off of yemen
re:sad On the night before the fire, the boy was sleeping on the couch because his bedroom was taken, Howell has said. Authorities say there is no evidence he intended to kill anyone. (but why isn't rev.sharpton leading a march to help him?)
re:israeli bees invade syrian airspace,carry away pollen booty
re:bees,african and colony collapse
re:bumblebee threatened
re:herods quarry found;_ylt=AmeMXphkyqFbYax9EZYwG96s0NUE
re:martian caves spotted,confirmed
re:peruvian meteor crater
re:(people got sick after it hit Sept 15/07)
~"There are fumes of a substance that we cannot determine, perhaps sulfur or ammonia," said Jorge Lopez, Health Director for the Puno area, to EFE, admitting that there is the "latent danger" that further health woes may be visited upon the locals. Lopez explained that a team of seven doctors from Peru's Ministerio de Salud has been sent to the area to deal with the settlers. They will also take soil and water samples to ascertain the nature of the substance in question and the degree of contamination.~
re:american meteor hunters try for pieces
(hunter Mike Farmers account)
~Farmer, meanwhile, bemoans the lack of scientific access to the meteorite's motherlode. Even Peruvian scientists say they have been turned away by the police guarding the site. And Farmer said it's only a matter of time before the crater fills in during the Andean region's rainy season. The more time the fragile rock spends buried in the mud, the less scientifically valuable it will become. "I told them, 'For the love of God, dig up the meteorite,'" Farmer said.~
~It's probably the largest chondrite meteorite to have fallen," Farmer said. He said the mass could be as much as 10 tons - which would be like a moving van falling from orbit~
~One last mystery needs to be addressed: What about that smelly, sickening odor supposedly coming from the crater? "It was extremely exaggerated. That's the first thing," said Farmer, who talked with numerous villagers about the event and even came across what he said was a picture of the smoke trail left behind by the fireball's fall. "I'm sure there was a heavy sulfur smell. That is not abnormal. Sulfur smells like rotten eggs, and that can make you physically sick."~
~Harold Connolly, an expert who is based at Kingsborough College in New York as well as the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, told me he couldn't discuss the results until they get the stamp of approval from the Meteoritical Society.~
re:waterbears(tardigrades) able to survive space
re:ancient microbes thawing from glaciers in artic/antartic
~Dr Bidle says that marine bacteria and viruses are less harmful to human health than those found on land. "Clearly this melting has happened many times over the Earth's history," he says. "We didn't find any pathogens. What we found were organisms closely related to common environmental bacteria."~
(yet,,will they make the waters bitter)
re:salmonella from space more virulent
re:cell phones and dna damage:
~Franz Adlkofer, who led the Reflex study, said people should use landlines, rather than mobiles, wherever possible. ~
re:wi-fi study planned
~The signals used on wi-fi networks were very low power, said the HPA, and well within guidelines issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP). "Given this, there is no particular reason why schools and others should not continue to use wi-fi or other wireless networks," said Prof Troop. However, she added, little work had so far been done on the exposure of the average person to wi-fi networks. The research will aim to establish a baseline for this exposure. The HPA said it was "logical" to consider this research work in light of advice from the agency itself and England's Chief Medical Officer that children should limit non-essential use of mobile phones.~
re:US '05 deaths up/cancer too:
re:cesium chloride
re:vegetative brain still aware of self
~By showing that her functional brain imaging studies (fMRI) are indistinguishable from those of healthy volunteers performing the same mental tasks, the researchers claim that the young woman's fMRI "confirmed beyond any doubt that she was consciously aware of herself and her surroundings, and was willfully following instructions given to her, despite her diagnosis of a vegetative state."~
re:alzheimers kept away by conscientious,driven mind sets
re:2 fungus deaths:
re:tangerine peel substance kills some cancers:
re:mirror particle/matter:
re:big bang theory flawed:more matter than anti:
re:mapping of dark matter:
re:black holes spew rubies,sapphires,marble and glass
~In the end, everything comes from space dust," Markwick-Kemper said. "It's putting all the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out where we came from~
re:odd radio burst
re:man made quarks:
re:the human gene:
re:scientists claim chimps choose more rationally than humans
~Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig studied the chimp's choices by using an economic game with two players. In the game, a human or chimpanzee who receives something of value can offer to share it with another. If the proposed share is rejected, neither player gets anything. Humans typically make offers close to 50 percent of the reward. They also reject as unfair offers of significantly less than half of the reward, even though this choice means they get nothing. The study, however, showed chimpanzees reliably made offers of substantially less than 50 percent, and accepted offers of any size, no matter how small.~ ~The researchers concluded chimpanzees do not show a willingness to make fair offers and reject unfair ones. In this way, they protect their self interest and are unwilling to pay a cost to punish someone they perceive as unfair.~ (I see it as they will take any deal offered because they can't see the good deal from the bad deal or recognise deception.Just like it seems corporations and politicos want the general public to be)
re:article on how baboons think reveals the way anti-male,evolutionists and racists think and slams similisexuals out then says they don't know
~As Darwin jotted down in a notebook of 1838, “He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.”~
~The shaper of a baboon’s mind is natural selection. Those with the best social skills leave the most offspring. ~
~Monkey society is governed by the same two general rules that governed the behavior of women in so many 19th-century novels,” Dr. Cheney and Dr. Seyfarth write. “Stay loyal to your relatives (though perhaps at a distance, if they are an impediment), but also try to ingratiate yourself with the members of high-ranking families.” Baboon society revolves around mother-daughter lines of descent. Eight or nine matrilines are in a troop, each with a rank order. This hierarchy can remain stable for generations. By contrast, the male hierarchy, which consists mostly of baboons born in other troops, is always changing as males fight among themselves and with new arrivals. Rank among female baboons is hereditary, with a daughter assuming her mother’s rank. News of that fact gave great satisfaction to a member of the British royal family, Princess Michael of Kent. She visited Dr. Cheney and Dr. Seyfarth in Botswana, remarking to them, they report: “I always knew that when people who aren’t like us claim that hereditary rank is not part of human nature, they must be wrong. Now you’ve given me evolutionary proof!”~
~For female baboons, another constant worry besides predation is infanticide. Their babies are put in peril at each of the frequent upheavals in the male hierarchy. The reason is that new alpha males enjoy brief reigns, seven to eight months on average, and find at first that the droits de seigneur they had anticipated are distinctly unpromising. Most of the females are not sexually receptive because they are pregnant or nurturing unweaned children. An unpleasant fact of baboon life is that the alpha male can make mothers re-enter their reproductive cycles, and boost his prospects of fatherhood, by killing their infants. The mothers can secure some protection for their babies by forming close bonds with other females and with male friends, particularly those who were alpha when their children were conceived and who may be the father. Still, more than half of all deaths among baby baboons are from infanticide. So important are these social skills that it is females with the best social networks, not those most senior in the hierarchy, who leave the most offspring.~
~Dr. Cheney said. “Baboons provide you with an example of what sort of social and cognitive complexity is possible in the absence of language and a theory of mind,” she said. “The selective forces that gave rise to our large brains and our full-blown theory of mind remain mysterious, at least to us.”~
re:info cascade or how that many people can be wrong
~We like to think that people improve their judgment by putting their minds together, and sometimes they do. The studio audience at “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” usually votes for the right answer. But suppose, instead of the audience members voting silently in unison, they voted out loud one after another. And suppose the first person gets it wrong. If the second person isn’t sure of the answer, he’s liable to go along with the first person’s guess. By then, even if the third person suspects another answer is right, she’s more liable to go along just because she assumes the first two together know more than she does. Thus begins an “informational cascade” as one person after another assumes that the rest can’t all be wrong. Because of this effect, groups are surprisingly prone to reach mistaken conclusions even when most of the people started out knowing better, according to the economists Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch. If, say, 60 percent of a group’s members have been given information pointing them to the right answer (while the rest have information pointing to the wrong answer), there is still about a one-in-three chance that the group will cascade to a mistaken consensus. Cascades are especially common in medicine as doctors take their cues from others, leading them to overdiagnose some faddish ailments (called bandwagon diseases) and overprescribe certain treatments (like the tonsillectomies once popular for children). Unable to keep up with the volume of research, doctors look for guidance from an expert — or at least someone who sounds confident. It seems easy enough to apply this to mainstream science's rote rejection of all evidence for the paranormal. The overwhelming majority of scientists have never studied psi and "look for guidance from an expert - or at least someone who sounds confident." Skeptics like James Randi, Paul Kurtz, and Michael Shermer never lack for confidence, at least in their public pronouncements. And here's what happens when dissenters try to challenge the consensus: The [dissenting] scientists, despite their impressive credentials, were accused of bias because some of them had done research financed by the food industry. And so the informational cascade morphed into what the economist Timur Kuran calls a reputational cascade, in which it becomes a career risk for dissidents to question the popular wisdom. With skeptical scientists ostracized, the public debate and research agenda became dominated by the fat-is-bad school. In the case of psi, it is unquestionably "a career risk for dissidents to question the popular wisdom." No, they won't be accused of having been co-opted by industry; instead, they'll be accused of being mentally illy or hopelessly gullible or pathetically unprofessional or desperate for media attention, or all of the above.~
re:nano tech produces super fabric
~A new transparent, composite plastic as strong as steel and as thin as a sheet of paper has been developed by materials scientists.~ (the photos make me think of the fabric in the roswell tales.I wonder if it regains it's original shape after you crumple it)
re:new anti-person ray gun
~When turned on, it emits an invisible, focused beam of radiation - similar to the microwaves in a domestic cooker - that are tuned to a precise frequency to stimulate human nerve endings.It can throw a wave of agony nearly half a mile.Because the beam penetrates skin only to a depth of 1/64th of an inch, it cannot, says Raytheon, cause visible, permanent injury.~
re:invisibility in 2 dimensions
re:water displays amazing properties when subjected to DC charge
~When exposed to a high-voltage electric field, water in two beakers climbs out of the beakers and crosses empty space to meet, forming the water bridge. The liquid bridge, hovering in space, appears to the human eye to defy gravity.~
re:scientists plans to combat global warming
~,,under the umbrella of geoengineering - a diverse and growing collection of proposals, mostly untested, to employ large-scale engineering solutions to the planet in an attempt to restore its energy balance. ~
re:black folk upset because Tut was white
~The exhibition sparked an uproar when it kicked off in Los Angeles in June 2005 when black activists demanded that a bust of the boy king be removed because the statue portrays him as white.~
re:incan child sacrifices
~It looks to us as though the children were led up to the summit shrine in the culmination of a yearlong rite, drugged and then left to succumb to exposure," said co-author Timothy Taylor, also of the University of Bradford~
re:cloud warrior death mystery at the fortress of Kuélap, a mountain stronghold of the Chachapoya, a culture known as the "cloud warriors" that thrived in Amazonian cloud forests from the 9th to the 15th century A.D.
re:spirit photography
re:shadow people
re:mexican tree dwellers (dryads?nymphs,fairies,lves,keeblers?)
~While the trimming operations took place on the avenue, adjacent to a stream, traffic was interrupted and once restored, locals driving through the area, lighting it with their car headlights, claimed to have seen the strange figures. They reportedly saw “some little men coming out of the amputated tree and walking single file toward the library. Most witnesses did not offer details, but one woman described their clothing as having a brownish hue,” said Cecillia de Gabrele, an employee at the library who fielded several phone calls at her workplace from locals who sought confirmation for what they had seen nearby. However, neither the employee nor her coworkers noticed anything unusual. Cecilia added that for many years there have been stories of “imp” sightings for many years in that district. “Thats where Aguaribay Street begins, which has abundant native flora, and many claim having seen tiny beings between the branches and shadows.”~
re:odd skull
re:the war of los angeles '42
~The planes we’d heard were not in sight, but what captured our rapt attention was a silvery, lozenge-shaped “bug,” as my mother later described it, that was clearly visible in the searchlight beams that pinpointed it. Although it was a clear, moonlit night, no other details could be discerned, despite the fact that, when we first saw it, the object was hanging motionless almost directly overhead. Its altitude is hard to estimate, especially after all these years, but I’d guess that it was somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000 feet.~
~As we watched, open mouthed, the object, apparently none the worse for the plethora of rounds directed at it, began to move slowly to the southeast, descending over Redondo Beach, where we lost sight of it. Indeed, either our gunners were absurdly inept, despite all the practice they’d had in recent weeks, or it was invulnerable to attack. Years later I read that over 1,400 rounds were fired at the object that evening. The official tally, from the Army’s after-action report, is 1430 rounds, but this figure is probably way too low. Could the Japs have come up with some secret weapon that deflected flack? The thought was scary to the max!~
re:pravda says aliens chased us astronauts from moon
re:underwater ufos-shag harbour incident
re:antigravity,Dr. Townsend T. Brown,Tesla and more and more
re:alien cave life ? in venezuelas charles brewer/tepui mountain caves
re:alien statues from jordan
re:ethiopian christian churches,,underground
~Legend has it that these churches were carved below ground at the end of 11th century and beginning of the 12th after God ordered King Lalibela to build churches the world had never seen -- and dispatched a team of angels to help him.~
re:underground construction
~The Mainstream tunnel is 35 feet in diameter, bored in limestone rock 240 to 350 feet below ground, and holds one billion gallons of water. TARP has received many awards, including the American Society of Civil Engineers award for most outstanding Civil Engineering Project of 1986. Mainstream is one of the largest rock tunnel bores on record. Since tunnel contractors would be working beneath homes, businesses and streets, excavation by extensive blasting was ruled out. Boring by huge tunnel boring machines (TBMs) was selected instead to cause less rock disturbance, noise and vibration. The specialized TBMs on TARP represented the largest such machines ever built, and TARP TBM technology has led to other major projects, such as the English Channel "Chunnel."~
re:mario cappechi (genetic MUTATIONIST)
re:robot dragonflies and the future of war
~According to journalist Rick Weiss, demonstrators at protests in Washington DC and elsewhere have been independently reporting large "dragonflies" (with a bizarre "row of spheres, the size of small berries, attached along the tails") hovering near their rallies. ("'I'd never seen anything like it in my life,' the Washington lawyer said. 'They were large for dragonflies. I thought, is that mechanical, or is that alive?'") ~
~The first robobug, the "insectothopter," was developed by the CIA back in the 1970s. It "looked just like a dragonfly and contained a tiny gasoline engine to make the four wings flap," but it couldn't handle the crosswinds. Three decades later, no agency will fess up to siccing robobugs on crowds of American demonstrators (as the Cleveland Indians sicced gnats on the Yankees' Joba Chamberlain in a crucial recent playoff game). And some experts agree with Vice Admiral Joe Dyer, former head of the Naval Air Systems Command, who claims: "I'll be seriously dead before that program deploys," ~
re:bugs bug yankees,assist indians
re:mandela = 46664 's 5th AIDS concert
re:deweys hamster found by 6 yr old in Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire.UK
~A young boy out on his bike was shocked to see a hamster whiz past him on the street in an exercise ball. ~
re:drugs,risks and theories
~Early this year British medical journal The Lancet published a landmark study that found alcohol and tobacco were more dangerous than some illegal drugs such as marijuana and ecstasy. They assessed the drugs on three levels: "the physical harm to the user, the drug's potential for addiction, and the impact on society of drug use". They questioned the scientific rationale for Britain's drug classification system and called for "a new classification of harmful substances, based on the actual risks posed to society". And we all know that's not going to happen. Some recreational drugs are worse than others. And others are less addictive and harmful than alcohol. I am calling for an approach to drugs in our society that is scientifically and statistically based. The more damage a drug is causing to the user and the community, the tighter the control should be. And that includes alcohol. According to Professor David Nutt, the bloke who ran The Lancet drug study: "All drugs are dangerous. Even the ones people know and love and use every day." Cheers.~
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