November 5th 11/06/07
05:10am |

sure does seem like we do not learn from history~
learn from history one must have history at ones
disposal along with an actual interest in 'learning'
from it as opposed to 'only memorizing info the
curricuulum calls for' until a test is
passed. (Short term storage,,with subsequent
dissolution,,does not equal a 'lesson learned' being
available on demand for the duration of an
existance.) Like a gun,,if ya don't have it,,ya
can't use it. If you're taught to think you don't
need it,,you won't have one.
the Hindus are correct and we are all the same souls
making the same mistakes time after time life after
the Hindus 'dieties' or 'elite ones' do and their
worshippers don't. Maybe the Hindus 'dieties' are
incorporeal beings that can 'inhabit' human
bodies. Maybe the Hindus 'dieties' only told the
Hindus that 'all souls reincarnate' in order to prep
them culturally for 'possesion' by an 'elite'
few,,which then rule them. Maybe the Hindus 'holy
men/priests' found out they could get fed and paid
if they told folks that they can help them with that
does seem like it goes around in circles or cycles.~
what thinking those kinds of thoughts do to you,,ya
better stop,,,you'll get dizzy,dude!
sure does seem like we do not learn from history or
maybe the Hindus are correct and we are all the same
souls making the same mistakes time after time life
after life. Everything does seem like it goes around
in circles or cycles.
shoulders with a grin> ~
we have to go through hell to get to heaven. Trial
by the refiners fire renders desirable
qualities,,from the ore that 'has it in it'. (Hey
Lummie,,tell me,,exactly who promised you a 'rose
better yet,,our entrance to heaven is determined by
our behaviour in the hell that is made by THE MEN on
Earth that only believe in the things of this
world. Like those who often get carried away with
the 'power' other men grant them over their lifes
and finances and drift,,sometimes run,,straight away
from all the 'good and noble' policies and
principles they expounded as vital in order to get
the support of those very folks. (And
then,,there's the ones who do it
deceptively.Deliberately manipulating 'their sheep'
to gain the platforms to advance their own
agendas.) And I'm sure you know about,,those who
have 'no regard' for the things that may not be
visible to them or the idea that there is an
existance,,after the flesh transpires,,in which
there is an Authority Higher Than Mans and therefore
NOT influencable after the 'ways of men on
earth',,who will hold them
accountable,,'FOREVER',,for their 'inhumanities to
man' which they perpetrated.
cont nxt post ~>
November 5th 11/06/07
05:12am |

cont from prev post ~
in,,do ya ALLWAYS do things the way the majorities
in the world do things???(Which got us in the mess
we are in today.) Or does ya 'more often' follow
the 'more narrow',,less traveled path?
remember,,and never forget,that,,, 'That many
people CAN be wrong. (And usually are.)
are NOT herd animals,,they are only 'gregarious' in
times of 'safety'. When they feel
threatened,,they break up into 'family groups' and
go into 'defensive/survival mode'. Often,,some
members become overtly aggressive towards the
'threat'.Some perish,,most don't. Others break
away and go solo,,most succumbing to the
'threat'. This could be called an 'evolutionary
trait' instilled through 'the process' postulated by
Darwin that has done 'the species' a world of
good. Or ya could say,,that's the way they're
made. Either way,,historically,,it has worked
rather well,,untill now.
the enemy? Who's the target? How do you tell
the difference now days?
have ya ever noticed how,historically,,,
things that started as great,beneficial things soon
become perverted into the very things they
originated in opposition to? (And it allmost
invariably happens from 'insiders' advocating the
insertion of contrary ideologies or practices.) Back
and forth,,all down through history.
how men do it,,from within,,like yeast. A little
bit leavens the whole lump. (It works better with
a little sugar added to the mix.) And
hoooo-doggie,,that 'light,fluffed up' bread sure
'tastes' good. It's just not too nutritious,,nor
filling.Yet,,if you eat too much,,you get fat.
out modern illustrations and analogies from an old
set of answers for the giant set of problems of man
on earth,,yet,,
all due respct to all on this planet,,even
infun,, The DANG-DInGIE American aka,, The
Evil White Man
November 5th 11/06/07
08:47am |

comments on the subject of the thread roy?
November 5th 11/06/07
11:46am |

you read my post,Abu?
was responding to YOUR post. As in,,Your post was
MY topic. Was YOUR post 'on topic'? Or was it
a response to another post?
said,,yada,, 'don't learn from history,,repeat
same mistakes,yada,,Hindus,yada,,souls repeating
same mistakes,,time after time,,life after
life,, "circlular cycles.'
is THAT,,'on topic'?
topic is Guy Fawkes,,no? Or do want to nit pic
and say it's the 'day' that is the topic? Either
way,,it's history. And hopefully 'someone'
somewhere 'learns' something from it.
Fawkes didn't like the Catholic church,,right?
have a struggle,,no?
individual,,and a group' that agrees with
him,,'resists' the Pope and those who 'agree to bow'
to him.
wage war and kill folks over a religious system
ruling over them,,right?
evidently have NOT learned from 'the lessons'
illustrated by the facts of the events being taught
to them.
said stuff about,,history,,learning from it and how
you can be taught to not believe you need 'useful'
things readily available,,through using guns as an
analogy for 'lessons learned from history'.As well
as a 'religions' elite 'ruling' over groups who
believe certain stuff by 'using their beliefs' to
sustain their own 'lifestyles'. Along with things
about 'other kinds',,non or anti-religious folks
doing the same.That covered the Pope and Guy F.
just 'dressed it(the concepts) up' in a reply to
your 'Hindu' remarks.
then said something about 'endless circles' making
ya dizzy.Implying that such as Hinduisms might cause
such an effect.
then discussed some religious considerations,,like
the ones,,or at least similar in scope to those The
Pope and Guy F. may have been at odds over.
I pointed out,,from a foundational question,,how
that kind of stuff had gotten us in the mess we are
in today. After which I explained how,,humans
react in a basic way to threats from other
things,,inferring 'humans as well as others' and how
there are no clear cut 'enemies' to react to. Unlike
in Guys time,,today,,the enemy is not so clearly
identifiable.For Guy,,nor The Pope,,or anyone else
for that matter.
I cut deeper into the matter by asking you if you
had noticed the ways things 'change into their
opposition' in slow,subtle ways from inner elements
'polluting' the original intents,goals and agendas
which started the original 'beneficial' thing. Like
yeast does when you add it to dough. Which
reflects on what Yeshua Emmanuel said about the
'leavening of the Pharisees'. (A group of people
who epitomised the behaviour I spoke of.) Most of
what I reflected on and referred to is addressed in
the old book I spoke of.
looks like the context of the content of my post was
actually MORE relatable to the TOPIC than the post
of yours I responded too.)
then ended by saying I did all that,,like I just did
again in this post,,but used less,,more succinct
words in that first one. I thought you could
handle them.
hey,,now that I explained my self,,maybe you'll
catch it this time. Let's give it another
try,,just to see if Abu Hiram can 'learn lessons
from history':
out modern illustrations and analogies from an old
set of answers for the giant set of problems of man
on earth,,yet,,
all due respect to all on this planet,,even
infun,, The DANG-DInGIE American aka,, The
Evil White Man
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