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theophory to cumorah
(on the way to cumorah)
~Enochian angels entities as expressed in the Enochian magic system, introduced by John Dee (1507-1608) and Edward Kelley (1555-1597) in the 16th century.
John Dee was dedicated to the newly-formed Church of England (or the Anglican Faith), and this can be seen throughout his journals and his "Enochian" system of Angel Magick. Therein, we find an obvious belief in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We also find a fourth Supreme Being in the figure of "Galvah" (Omega)- who is also called the Mother, Wisdom and "I AM" in Dee's journals. This figure is known in Judaism as the Shekhinah- Divine Presence; to the Gnostics as Sophia- Wisdom; to the Hermetic Qabalah as Aima Elohim- Mother of the Gods; and to Catholicism as Mary, Mother of God.
Beneath these four Divinities are several hierarchies of angels, or intelligent rulers, set over such things as the Planets, the Stars and the four Quarters of the Earth.
The angels of the four quarters are symbolized by the "Watchtowers"- four large magickal word-square Tables (collectively called the Great Table of the Earth). Most of the well-known Enochian Angels are drawn from the Watchtowers of the Great Table.
Each of the four Watchtowers is collectively governed by six Seniors (aka Elders)- making a total of 24 Elders as seen in the Revelation of St. John. Each Watchtower is further divided into four sub-quadrants, where we find the names of various Archangels and Angels who govern the quarters of the world. In this way, the entire universe, visible and invisible, is teeming with living intelligences.
Below is a partial list of the Enochian Angels taken from the Watchtowers:
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- A
* Aaan: A minor angel.
* Aadt: A minor angel.
* Aaetpio: A senior of Fire associated with Mars.
* Aanaa: A minor angel.
* Aaodt: A minor angel.
* Aaoxaif: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the East.
* Aavan: A minor angel.
* Aavna: A minor angel.
* Aax: A cacodemon.
* Abamo: A minor angel.
* Abaoz: A minor angel.
* Abmo: A minor angel ruled by Aiaoai Oiiit.
* Aboz: A minor angel.
* Acar: A minor angel ruled by Rzionr Nrzfm.
* Acca: A minor angel.
* Acmbicu: A senior of Air associated with Mercury.
* Acps: A minor angel.
* Acrar: A minor angel.
* Acuca: A minor angel.
* Acups: A minor angel.
* Aczinor: A senior of Earth associated with Jupiter.
* Adi: A cacodemon.
* Adire: A minor angel.
* Adnop: A minor angel.
* Adoeoct: A senior of Fire associated with Jupiter.
* Adop: A minor angel.
* Adopa: A minor angel.
* Adota: A minor angel.
* Adre: A minor angel.
* Adta: A minor angel.
* Agb: A cacodemon.
* Aglm: A minor angel.
* Agmlm: A minor angel.
* Ahaozpi: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the East.
* Aiaoai Oiiit: The divine name ruling the sub-element Earth elementin Air.
* Aigra: A minor angel.
* Aira: A minor angel with power over medicine. Aira is ruled by Angpoi Unman.
* Amox: A minor angel skilled in finding metals and precious stones, ruled by Vadali Obava.
* Amsox: A minor angel.
* Ancro: A minor angel.
* Anvaa: A minor angel.
* Apa: A cacodemon.
* Apahr: A minor angel.
* Apdoce: A senior of Fire associated with Mercury.
* Aphr: A minor angel.
* Aplst: A minor angel.
* Apm: A cacodemon.
* Apst: A minor angel.
* Arizl: A minor angel.
* Arzl: A minor angel.
* Ataad: A minor angel.
* Atdim: A minor angel.
* Ato: A cacodemon.
* Avtotar: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the East.
- B
* Bataivah: King of the Air Tablet.
* Brap: A minor angel, skilled at locating precious metals (also known as Briap).
* Briap: An alternative name for the angel Brap.
* Brcn: A minor angel.
- C
* Cadaamp: An angelic king, ruling in the North-North-West.
* Cms: A cacodemon.
* Cnabr: A minor angel.
* Cnbr: A minor angel.
* Cpsa: A minor angel.
* Cpusa: A minor angel.
- D
* Diari: A minor angel.
* Dimt: A minor angel.
* Dimnt: A minor angel.
* Diom: A minor angel.
* Diri: A minor angel.
* Dixom: A minor angel.
* Dolop: A minor angel.
* Donpa: A minor angel.
* Doop: A minor angel ruled by Cbalpt Arbiz.
* Dopa: A minor angel.
* Dtaa: A minor angel.
* Dtoaa: A minor angel.
* Dxagz: A minor angel.
* Dxgz: A minor angel.
- E
* Eac: A cacodemon.
* Eboza: A minor angel.
* Ecaop: A minor angel.
* Ecop: A minor angel.
* Edlprnaa: King of the Fire Tablet.
* Ephra: A minor angel.
* Erg: A cacodemon.
* Ern: A cacodemon.
* Erzla: A minor angel.
* Eutpa: A minor angel.
* Exarp: A spirit of the Air.
* Exr: A cacodemon.
- F
* Faax: A minor angel.
- G
* Gbal: A minor angel.
* Gbeal: A minor angel.
* Glma: A minor angel.
* Glmma: A minor angel.
* Gmdnm: A minor angel.
- H
* Habioro: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the East.
* Hbr: A cacodemon.
* Hcnbr: A minor angel.
* Hcoma: The spirit of Water.
* Hipotga: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the East.
* Hraap: A minor angel.
* Hrap: A minor angel.
* Hroan: A minor angel.
* Hru: A minor angel.
* Htmorda: The senior element of Air associated with the Moon.
* Hua: A cacodemon.
* Hxgzd: A minor angel.
- I
* Iczhhcal: King of the Earth Tablet.
* Imntd: A minor angel.
* Imtd: A minor angel.
* Izaz: A minor angel.
* Izinr: A minor angel.
* Izixp: A minor angel.
* Iznr: A minor angel.
* Izraz: A minor angel.
* Izxp: A minor angel.
- L
* Lairz: A minor angel.
* Lang: The order of ministering angels.
* Laoaxrp: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the North.
* Larz: A minor angel.
* Lavavoth: The angelic king of the South-Southwest.
* Leaoc: A minor angel.
* Leoc: A minor angel.
* Levanael: The angel of Luna.
* Ligdisa: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the North.
* Lmag: A minor angel.
* Lmmag: A minor angel.
* Lsraphm: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the North.
- M
* Masgm: A minor angel.
* Mgam: A minor angel.
* Miz: A cacodemon.
* Mma: A cacodemon.
* Msal: A minor angel.
* Msmal: A minor angel.
* Mtdi: A minor angel.
* Mtndi: A minor angel.
* Mto: A cacodemon.
- N
* Naaa: A minor angel.
* Nanta: A minor angel.
* Naoo: A minor angel.
* Naooo: A minor angel.
* Navaa: A minor angel.
* Nbarc: A minor angel.
* Nbrc: A minor angel.
* Ndazn: A minor angel.
* Ndzn: A minor angel.
* Nhdd: A minor angel.
* Nhodd: A minor angel.
* Nlirx: A minor angel.
* Nlrx: A minor angel.
* Npat: A minor angel.
* Nrcoa: A minor angel.
* Nroa: A minor angel.
- O
* Oacnr: A minor angel.
* Oanr: A minor angel.
* Oap: A cacodemon.
* Obgota Aabco: The Divine name ruling the sub-element Air in Water.
* Ocnm: A minor angel.
* Omagg: A minor angel.
* Omgg: A minor angel.
* Omia: A minor angel.
* Omsia: A minor angel.
* Ona: A cacodemon.
* Onh: A cacodemon.
* Onp: A cacodemon.
* Oodpz: A minor angel.
* Oopz: A minor angel.
* Opad: A minor angel.
* Opamn: A minor angel.
* Opama: A minor angel.
* Opmn: A minor angel.
* Opna: A minor angel.
* Opnad: A minor angel.
* Ormn: A minor angel.
* Oro Ibah Aozpi: A holy name ruling fire.
* Orpmn: A minor angel.
* Otoi: A minor angel.
* Otroi: A minor angel.
* Oyaub: A minor angel.
* Oyub: A minor angel.
* Ozaab: A minor angel.
* Ozab: A minor angel.
- P
* Paco: A minor angel.
* Pado: A minor angel.
* Paeoc: A minor angel.
* Paico: A minor angel.
* Piz: A cacodemon.
* Pmagl: A minor angel.
* Pmox: A minor angel.
* Pmzox: A minor angel.
* Ppsac: A minor angel.
- R
* Raagiosl: King of the Water Tablet.
* Raph: A minor angel.
* Rbnh: A minor angel.
* Rbznh: A minor angel.
* Rcanb: A minor angel.
* Rcnb: A minor angel.
* Rda: A minor angel.
* Rgan: A minor angel.
* Rgoan: A minor angel.
* Rlemu: A minor angel.
* Rlmu: A minor angel.
* Rpa: A cacodemon.
* Rrb: A cacodemon.
* Rrl: A cacodemon.
* Rsi: A cacodemon.
* Rsni: A minor angel.
* Rsoni: A minor angel.
* Ruoi: A minor angel.
* Ruroi: A minor angel.
* Rxao: A minor angel.
* Rxinl: A minor angel.
* Rxnl: A minor angel.
* Rxp: A cacodemon.
* Rxpao: A minor angel.
* Rzila: A minor angel.
* Rzla: A minor angel.
* Rzionr Nrzfm: The Divine name ruling the sub-element Fire of Fire.
- S
* Saiinou: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the North.
* Saiinov: The senior leader of Water in Jupiter.
* Saaiz: A minor angel.
* Saucp: A minor angel.
* Sacp: A minor angel.
* Scmio: A minor angel.
* Siosp: A minor angel.
* Sisp: A minor angel.
* Slgaiol: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the North.
* Soniznt: A sub-angelic Watchtower leader in the North.
- T
* Tdim: A minor angel.
* Tdnim: A minor angel.
* Tpau: A minor angel.
* Tplau: A minor angel.
- U
* Uspsn: A minor angel.
* Ussn: A minor angel.
* Utipa: A minor angel.
* Utpa: A minor angel.
- V
* Vaasa: A minor angel.
* Vasa: A minor angel.
* Volxdo Sioda: The Divine name ruling sub-element Earth of Fire.
- X
* Xai: A cacodemon.
* Xcz: A cacodemon.
* Xdz: A cacodemon.
* Xgazd: A minor angel.
* Xgzd: A minor angel.
* Xii: A cacodemon.
* Xnilr: A minor angel.
* Xom: A cacodemon.
* Xoy: A cacodemon.
* Xpa: A cacodemon.
* Xpaxn: A minor angel.
* Xpcn: A minor angel.
* Xrinh: A minor angel.
* Xrnh: A minor angel.
- Z
* Zaabo: A minor angel.
* Zabo: A minor angel.
* Zarnaah: An angelic king, ruling in the North.
* Zarzi: A minor angel.
* Zarzilg: An angelic king, ruling in the East-South-East.
* Zazi: A minor angel.
* Zdaxg: A minor angel.
* Zdxg: A minor angel.
* Zedekiel: The angel of Jupiter.
* Zinggen: An angelic king, ruling in the West-North-West.
* Ziracah: An angelic king, ruling in the South.
* Zirz: A minor angel.
* Ziza: A minor angel.
* Zurchol: An angelic king, ruling in the South-South-East.
- See also
* John Dee
* Edward Kelley
Choronzon (also known as 'Coronzon' or '333') is a demon or devil that originated in writing with the 16th century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter's occult system of Enochian magic. In the 20th century he became an important element within the mystical system of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley, where he is the Dweller in the Abyss,[citation needed] believed to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment. Thelemites believe that if he is met with the proper preparation, then his function is to destroy the ego, which allows the adept to move beyond the Abyss of occult cosmology.
* 1 Spelling variations
* 2 Choronzon according to Crowley
* 3 Non-Thelemic views of Choronzon
* 4 Notes
* 5 References
- Spelling variations
Including Crowley's spelling of the name, Choronzon, there appear to be three alternatives. Meric Casaubon states that the name is Coronzon (without an 'h') in his ‘True and Faithful Relation…’, this coincides with the spelling that appears in Dr. John Dee's journals. A third spelling, Coronzom, is listed in Laycock's Enochian dictionary, citing an original manuscript (Cotton XLVI Pt. I, fol. 91a) as the source for the variant.[1]
- Choronzon according to Crowley
Otherwise known as the Demon of Dispersion, Choronzon is described by Crowley as a temporary personification of the raving and inconsistent forces that occupy the Abyss.[citation needed] In this system, Choronzon is given form in evocation only in order that it may be mastered.
Crowley states that he and Victor Benjamin Neuburg evoked Choronzon in the Sahara Desert. In Crowley's account, it is unclear whether Choronzon was invoked into an empty Solomonic triangle while Crowley sat elsewhere, or whether Crowley himself was the medium into which the demon was evoked. Nearly all writers except Lawrence Sutin take him to mean the latter. In the account, Choronzon is described as changing shape, which is read variously as an account of an actual metamorphosis, a subjective impression of Neuburg's, or fabrication on Crowley's part.
The account describes the demon throwing sand over the triangle in order to breach it, following which it attacked Neuburg 'in the form of a naked savage', forcing him to drive it back at the point of a dagger. Crowley's account has been criticised as unreliable, as the relevant original pages are torn from the notebook in which the account was written. This, along with other inconsistencies in the manuscript, has led to speculation that the event was heavily embroidered in order to support Crowley's own belief system. Moreover, according to Arthur Calder-Marshall's The Magic of my Youth, Neuburg gave a quite different account of the event, claiming that he and Crowley evoked the spirit of an Egyptian workman.
Choronzon is deemed to be held in check by the power of the Goddess Babalon, inhabitant of Binah, the third Sephirah of the Tree of Life. Both Choronzon and the Abyss are discussed in Crowley's Confessions (ch. 66):
"The name of the Dweller in the Abyss is Choronzon, but he is not really an individual. The Abyss is empty of being; it is filled with all possible forms, each equally inane, each therefore evil in the only true sense of the word—that is, meaningless but malignant, in so far as it craves to become real. These forms swirl senselessly into haphazard heaps like dust devils, and each such chance aggregation asserts itself to be an individual and shrieks, "I am I!" though aware all the time that its elements have no true bond; so that the slightest disturbance dissipates the delusion just as a horseman, meeting a dust devil, brings it in showers of sand to the earth."[2]
- Non-Thelemic views of Choronzon
In much the same way that Satan has been championed by some of those who object to Christianity, Choronzon has been turned into a positive figure by some iconoclastic occultists, in particular chaos magicians who object to what they see as the stultifying and restrictive dogma of Thelema. Peter Carroll's "Mass of Choronzon"[3] is a ritual with the purpose of casting the energy of one's ego into the universe to effectuate an unknown desire.[4] This, in part, has served as an inspiration for modernised ritual effectuation based on the "333 Current". This is usually purged of astrology, gematria and other obtuse mysticism and uses terminology and symbolism that has been recently invented.
- Notes
Within the mystical system of Thelema, the Abyss is the great gulf or void between the phenomenal world of manifestation and its noumenal source.
This doctrine is extremely difficult to explain; but it corresponds more or less to the gap in thought between the Real, which is ideal, and the Unreal, which is actual. In the Abyss all things exist, indeed, at least in posse, but are without any possible meaning; for they lack the substratum of spiritual Reality. They are appearances without Law. They are thus Insane Delusions.
Now the Abyss being thus the great storehouse of Phenomena, it is the source of all impressions.
—Little Essays Towards Truth, Aleister Crowley
In the Kabbalistic system of Crowley, the Abyss is the 11th (hidden) sephira, Da'ath, which separates the lower sephiroth from the supernals. It represents the fall of man (as in Genesis) from a unified consciousness into a duality between ego and divine nature. The Abyss is guarded by the demon, Choronzon, who represents those parts of one's consciousness that are unwilling or unable to enter the divine.
"Crossing the Abyss" is regarded as a perilous operation, and the most important work of the magician's career. Success confers graduation into the degree, Magister Templi, or "Master of the Temple."
- Recent views and heresies
In connection with the growing occult interest in Chaos magic, some seekers are discovering new meanings for the Abyss as well as a more sensible means of crossing it, or even a downgrading of the value of "crossing" such a moat at all.
One influence relating to this is the idea of resonance with Choronzon which holds that Choronzon was demonized by Crowley, out of a severe phobia of chaos on his part, which made him even change the name of Choronzon from inventor John Dee's spelling, which was Coronzom.[1] Resonants with Choronzon[attribution needed] claim the entity is hostile to those who enter its domain seeking a fight, in which case it may be considered natural that they end up getting one. Adherents of this very new occulture befriend or honour Choronzon instead of subscribing to the notion that it must be conquered "as if it were a Boss in some cosmic video game."[citations needed]
The practice of Effectuation is a very loose system of magick stripped of most mysticisms like astrology and gematria, and focused on methods and means of achievement of "the art of changing reality in accordance with the Will" that are suited to the twenty-first century as opposed to being flavoured with ancient gods and leitmotifs. as well as providing more modernized terms to describe them. It is said that the friends of Choronzon will often get ferried across the "moat around the factory and foundry of all creation" if they treat Choronzon like the boatman of the river Styx and make an offering of friendship to this strange xenodimensional - usually, this will mean allowing it to temporarily possess one's body, since xenodimensionals (angels and demons - without these judgmental names) are all supposedly desirous of having solid form, and so envy the humans for having this form, while they themselves are naught but phantoms.[citations needed]
Adherents of such recently introduced, present-day-oriented systems of dealing with extradimensional phenomena are scattered, but growing in number as their ideas become investigated and experimented with. A recent claim is that Choronzon has been freed from the Abyss and now walks the earth, having been shown love, and thus no longer malevolent, its role is now as a destroyer of entropy. One mythopoieic thread has Choronzon choosing one of his three governers, named Lexarp, to be the new Guardian of the Abyss, and states that although Lexarp is less combative and more serious about his role as guardian, he is also more picky about who he'll ferry across the moat.[citations needed]
- Notes
Enochian is a name often applied to an occult or angelic language recorded in the private journals of Dr. John Dee and his seer Edward Kelley in the late 16th century. The men claimed that it was revealed to them by angels, while some contemporary scholars of magick consider it a constructed language.
Applying the term "Enochian" to the language is a modern convention—not found in Dee's journals. Dee referred to the language as "Angelical", the "Celestial Speech", the "Language of Angels", the "First Language of God-Christ" and the "Holy Language". He sometimes referred to its alphabet as "Adamical" because (according to Dee's Angels) it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. Dee also recorded that the Patriarch Enoch had been the last human (before Dee and Kelley) to know the language—thus prompting later scholars to refer to the language and Dee's entire magickal system as "Enochian".
* 1 Dee's Angelical
* 2 Skeptical and linguistic evaluations
* 3 Leo Vinci
* 4 Enochian in popular culture
* 5 See also
* 6 Notes
* 7 References
o 7.1 Primary sources
o 7.2 Books and articles
* 8 External links
- Dee's Angelical
According to Tobias Churton in his book The Golden Builders, the concept of an Angelic or pre-deluge language was common during Dee's time. The importance of it was connected with the idea that if the language of angels could be known then it would be possible to directly interact with them and with the universe through it.
Dee began to allude to his search for knowledge through the angels in 1581 when he mentioned in his personal journals that God had sent "good angels" to communicate directly with his prophets. In 1582 Dee teamed up with the seer Edward Kelley (although there had been at least a couple of others before him)[1]. With Kelley's help as a scryer Dee set out to establish lasting contact with the angels, which resulted among other things in the reception of the Enochian or Angelical language.
According to Dee's journals [2], Angelical was supposed to have been the language God used to create the world, and which was later used by Adam to speak with God and the angels, and to name all things in existence. Adam then lost the language upon his Fall from Paradise, and constructed a form of proto-Hebrew based upon his vague memory of Angelical. This proto-Hebrew, then, was the universal human language until the time of the Confusion of Tongues at the Tower of Babel. After this, all the various human languages were developed, including an even more modified Hebrew (which we know as "Biblical Hebrew"). From the time of Adam to the time of Dee and Kelley, Angelical was hidden from humans with the single exception of the patriarch Enoch—who according to the angels recorded the "Book of Loagaeth" (Speech From God) for humanity. The book was then lost again in the Deluge of Noah.
The angelical language as revealed to Dee and Kelley encompasses a very limited text corpus. Additionally only parts of it come with English translations. The reception of what has become known as Enochian started on March 26 1583, when Kelley reported visions in the crystal of the twenty-one lettered alphabet characteristic of the language. A few days later Kelley started receiving what became the first corpus of texts in the purported Angelic language. This resulted in the book Liber Loagaeth (“Book [of] Speech from God”). The book consists of 49 “calls” or prayers in the Angelic language, but also of 95 great letter tables, each of 49 x 49 letter-filled squares.[3] Unfortunately the angels never bothered translating the texts in this book.
The other and most important set of Enochian texts was received through Kelley about a year later, in Krakow. These are more important since they come with English translations, thus providing the basis for the Enochian vocabulary. The texts comprise 48 poetic verses, which in Dee’s manuscripts are called “Claves Angelicae”, or “Angelic Keys”. The Keys are assigned certain functions within the magical system. Dee was apparently intended to use these Keys to "open the 49 Gates of Wisdom/Understanding" represented by the 49 magic squares in Liber Loagaeth:
I am therefore to instruct and inform you, according to your Doctrine delivered, which is contained in 49 Tables. In 49 voices, or callings: which are the Natural Keys to open those, not 49 but 48 (for one is not to be opened) Gates of Understanding, whereby you shall have knowledge to move every Gate… [4]
But you shall understand that these 19 Calls are the Calls, or entrances into the knowledge of the mystical Tables. Every Table containing one whole leaf, whereunto you need no other circumstances. [5]
While these texts contain most of the vocabulary dozens of further words are found hidden throughout Dee's journals, and thousands of undefined words are contained in the Liber Loagaeth. Marked stylistic differences between the words in Loagaeth and in the Keys have lead some present-day magicians to assume that these represent two different "dialects" of the language [citation needed].
- Skeptical and linguistic evaluations
Skeptics have pointed to this discrepancy between the two revealed sets of Enochian texts as an indication that Enochian is in fact not a consistent language.[6] For instance it has been noted, especially by the Australian linguist Donald Laycock, that the texts in the Loagaeth material show phonetic features that do not generally appear in natural languages. [7] Rather, the features showed are commonly found in instances of glossolalia. This could be indicative of Kelley actually receiving at least this set of texts through the well-known phenomenon of glossolalia.
Building on Laycock’s linguistic analysis skeptics also point out that there are even problems with holding that the texts of the Enochian keys represent a genuine natural language. It is observed that the syntax of the Enochian calls is almost identical with that of English. [8] Also the very scant evidence of Enochian verb declension seems to be quite reminiscent of English – more so than with Semitic languages as Hebrew or Arabic, which one perhaps would have supposed Adam’s pristine language to be closer related to than English.[9] These and other points arguably make the reception of the Enochian language less mysterious and hard to account for than some practitioners of Enochian magic have typically contended.
- Leo Vinci
In 1976, Leo Vinci published a book entitled Gmicalzoma: An Enochian Dictionary.
- Enochian in popular culture
The language has been associated with the Hymn of One, a fictional cult in the popular lonelygirl15 web series.
The title of the track "Faaip de Oiad" on the Tool album Lateralus is Enochian. Tool intended for it to translate to "the voice of God."
The Enochian alphabet is used to represent the Golem language in Terry Pratchett's novels Going Postal and Making Money. In Going Postal it is referred to as a mystic language, said to be spoken by angels.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, the character Dartz wears a pendant with a pentagram and Enochian writing around the rim, which is the symbol of the Orichalcos Stone. The Orichalcos Seal that came from the Stone also has Enochian writing on it's rim. [10]
The Satanic Bible, written by Anton LaVey, lists 19 Enochian "Keys"
Simon R. Green's Nightside series mentions uses of Enochian when referring to angels and speaking to them, though actual Enochian is never used in the books.
Referenced in the movie series "Prophecy" with Christopher Walken as Gabriel.
- See also
* Enochian angels
* Enochian magic
* Occultism
* List of magical terms and traditions
- Notes
1. ^ Deborah Harkness, John Dee's Conversations with Angels, 16-17.
2. ^ Now in various collections of the British Library. See especially Sloane MSS 3188, 3189 and 3191, and Cotton Appendix XLVI. All the above are available in digital scans at :
3. ^ This book is now in British Library MS Sloane 3189.
4. ^ The angel Nalvage, cited in Casaubon ed., A True and Faithful Relation…, p. 77
5. ^ The angel Illemese, cited in Casaubon ed., A True and Faithful Relation…, p. 199)
6. ^ See Donald Laycock, "Enochian: Angelic language or mortal folly?", 19-64 in The Complete Enochian Dictionary. Also Egil Asprem, "'Enochian' Language: A proof of the existence of angels?" in Skepsis (13.12.2006),
7. ^ Laycock, "Enochian: Angelic language or mortal folly?", p.33.
8. ^ Ibid, 43.
9. ^ Ibid.
10. ^
- References
Note: most of these primary sources relate to a version of this entry that was radically rewritten but is still available at
- Primary sources
* Barnstone, Willis, ed. The Other Bible: Ancient Alternative Scriptures. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1984.
* Dee, John. The Diaries of John Dee. Ed. Edward Fenton. Oxfordshire: Day, 1998.
* John Dee's Library Catalogue. Ed. Roberts, Julian, Andrew G. Watson. London: Bibliographic Society. 1990.
* Causabon, Meric. A True & Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits. Introduction by Lon Milo Duquette, New York: Magickal Childe, 1992.
* John Dee's Actions with Spirits: 22 December 1581 to 23 May 1583. 2 vols. Ed. Whitby, Christopher. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.
* Laycock, Donald. The Complete Enochian Dictionary: A Dictionary of the Angelic Language as Revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley. Foreword by Lon Milo Duquette, York Beach, ME: Weiser Books 1999.
* Leslau, Wolf. Comparative Dictionary of Ge'ez (Classical Ethiopic): Ge'ez -English / English- Ge'ez with an index of the Semitic roots. Wiesbadan: Otto Harrassowitz. 1991.
* Concise Dictionary of Ge'ez (Classical Ethiopic). Wiesbadan: Otto Harrassowitz. 1989.
* Liber Henoch Æthiopice, ad quinque codicum fidem editus cum variis lectionibus. Ed. Dillmann, A. Ms. 5. Leipzig. 1851.
* Pantheus, Joannes. "Voarchadumia contra alchimiam, ars distincta ab archimia et sophia, cum additionibus, proportinonibus numeris et figuris opportuni." n.d. [1] Gallica – Bibliothèque nationale de France. 1550.
* Trithemius, Johannes. "Steganographia Book One." n.d. [2] (14 December 2002).
* The Seal of Orichalcos ( Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Books and articles
* Asprem, Egil. "'Enochian' Language: A proof of the existence of angels?" in Skepsis, published 13.12.2006,
* Brooks, Lester. Civilizations of Ancient Africa. New York: Four Winds Press, 1972.
* Harkness, Deborah. John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
* Laycock, Donald. "Enochian: Angelic language or mortal folly?", 19-64 in: The Complete Enochian Dictionary, edited by Laycock and Steven Skinner. York Beach, ME: Weiser Books 1999.
* Mandeville, John. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Translated by C. W. R. D. Mosley. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1983.
* Phillipson, David. Ancient Ethiopia. London: British Museum Press, 1998.
* Schmidt, Nathaniel. "Traces of Early Acquaintance in Europe with the Book of Enoch." Journal of the American Oriental Society 42 (1922): 44-52.
- External links
* An Enochian Miscellany
* Enochian Linguistics
* Enochian-English dictionary
* Another Enochian-English dictionary
* Enoch and The Day of the End
The Enochian Dictionary
Edited and Proofed by
Fra:. Michael 111
AAF amongst 15
A-AI-OM amoungst us 192
AAIOM amongst 192
AAI amongst 72
AALA placed 26
AAO amongst 42
ABAI stooping 77
ABRAMG prepared 215
ABRAMIG prepared 275
ACAM .7699 402
ADGT can 27
ADNA obedience 66
ADOHI kingdom 101
ADROCH mount 441
AF 19 9
AFFA empty 18
AG none 14
ALAR settled 120
ALDI gathering 78
ALDON gird (up) 98
ALI successively 74
A 6 6
ALLAR bind 128
A-M-IPZI (i) fastened 234
AMIRAN yourselves 312
AMMA cursed 192
ANANAEL secret wisdom 136
ANGELARD thoughts 192
APILA liveth 89
AQLO in 84
AR that 106
AS was 13
ATH works 16
ATRAAH girdles 128
AVAVAGO thunders 196
A 6 6
AVAVAGO thunders 196
AVINY millstones 246
AZIAGIAR harvest 255
AZIAZOR likeness 220
BABAGE south 40
BABALON wicked 110
BAEOUIB name righteousness 186
BAGHIE fury 90
BAGLE for 37
BAHAL cried 26
BALIE salt 89
BALIT just 88
BALTIM justice 178
BALTOH righteous 59
BALT justice 28
BALTOHA righteousness 65
BALTOH righteousness 59
BALZARG stewards 142
BASGIM day 176
BAZM mid-day 110
BIA (?) 71
BIAH stand 72
BIALO voice 109
BI-EN unto my voice 125
BIGLIAD comforter 151
BLANS harboured 76
BLIARD comfort 183
BLIAR comfort 179
BLIOR comforters 203
BLIORA comfort 209
BLIORAX comfort 609
BLIORS comfort 210
BLIORT comfort 212
BOGPA reigneth 58
BOLP be thou 52
BRANSG guard 176
BRGDO sleep 147
BRIN have 215
BRINT hast 224
BRINTS truth 231
B-RI-TA have talked 180
BUSD glory 86
BUSDIR glory 246
BUTMON mouth 254
BUTMONI mouths 314
CAB rod 311
CA-CACOM flourish 1032
CACRG until 714
CAFAFAM abiding 414
CAMLIAX spake 870
CANAL workmen (?) 370
CAOSGA earth 357
CAOSG earth 351
CAOSGI earth 411
CAOSGIN earth 461
CAOSGO earth 381
CAOSGON earth 431
CAPIMALI successively 539
CAPIMAON numbers of time 551
CAP-MI power 465
CARBAF sink 420
CASARM made 509
(e)CA therefore 306
CASARMA whom 515
CASARMAN under 565
CASARMG who 517
CASARMI (under) whom 569
CHIA are 367
CHILDAO diamonds 409
CHIRLAN rejoiceth 525
CHIS are 368
CHISA are 374
CHIS-GE arenot 386
CHIS are 368
CHISO shall 398
CIAL 29996 374
CIAOFI terror 459
CICLE mysteries 678
CICLES mysteries 685
CINXIR mingles 970
CNILA blood 424
COCASB ages (time) 648
COCASG times 651
COLLAL sleeves 360
COMMAH trussed 517
COMO window 450
COMSELHA circle 452
CONST thunders 396
CORAXO thunders 866
CORMFA numbers 529
CORMF number 523
CORMP numbered 559
CORS such 437
C unto 300
C 4 300
CORSI such 497
CRIP but 469
CRO-OD-ZI second beginning 533
CRO-ODZI beginning 533
CRP but 409
C ye 300
C with 300
D into 4
D third 4
DAOX 5678 440
DARBS obey 122
DA there 10
DARG 6739 118
DARSAR wherefore 223
DAX loins 410
DAZIS heads 86
DAZIZ heads 88
DE your 14
DIU angle (?) 134
DLUGA giving 96
DLUGAM given 186
DLUGAR giving 196
DOALIM sin 198
DODS vexing 45
DODSEH vexation 56
DO-O-A-IN his name 180
DO-O-A-IP in the name 139
DO-O-I-A in the name 130
DORPHA looked 150
DORPHAL looking 158
DOSIG night 109
DRILPA great 187
DRILPA great 187
DRILPI greater (than) 241
DRIX bring 564
DROLN any 192
DR which 104
DS which 11
ECRIN praise 520
ED-NAS receivers 77
EFAFAFE vial 41
EF visit (us) 13
ELO first 48
EL first 18
EM nine 100
EMETGIS seal 194
EMNA herein 156
EMOD 8763 134
ENAY (lord?) (hath?) 126
ENAY lord 126
EOLIS making 115
EOPHAN lamentation 106
ERAN 6332 166
ERM with 200
E first 10
ETHAMZA covered 131
ETHARZI peace 195
F visit 3
FAAIP voices 84
FABOAN poison 100
FAFEN from 72
FAFEN train 72
FAONTS dwelling 105
FARZM lifted 208
GAH spirits
GAH glory
GA 31 14
G-CHIS-GE are not 394
GE 18
GEH art 19
GE-IAD lord 88
GIGIPAH breath 152
GIVI stronger 198
GIZYAX earthquakes 543
G-MACALZA power or presence 433
GNAY doth 124
GNETAAB governments 94
GNONP garnished 147
GOHE saith 49
GOHIA we say 105
GOHO saith 69
GOHOLOR lift 207
GOHOL saying 77
GOHON have spoken 119
GOHUS (I) say 176
GONO faith 118
GRAA moon 120
G with (?) 8
GROSB sting 150
HAMI creatures 157
HARG planted 115
HE song 11
HOATH worshipper 47
HOLDO groaned 73
HOL-Q measureth 79
HOLQ measured 79
HOM liveth 121
HOMIL true 189
HOMIN age 231
HUBAR lamps 182
HUBARDO lanterns 216
I is 60
IADPIL to him 147
IAD god 70
IAIADIX honor 596
IA-IAL conclude 140
IAIDA the highest 136
IA-IDON all powerful 210
IALPIR flames 243
IALPON burn 163
IALPOR flaming 213
IAL-PRG burning flames 191
IAL-PRT flame 192
IALPRT flame 192
IAOD beginning 100
IEHUSOZ mercies 187
ILONON branches 228
ILS thou 75
ILSI thee 135
IL thy 68
IM-VA-MAR apply 422
IN mine 110
INSI walkest 177
IO-IAD (that liveth forever) 160
IPAM beginning 165
IPAMIS end 232
I is 60
IP shall 69
IP not 69
IRGIL how many 236
ISRO promise 197
I-ZA-ZAZ have framed(?) 99
I in 60
IZIZOP (highest) vessels 177
I is 60
I all 60
I they 60
LADNAH ark of knowledge 75
LAIAD secrets 84
LAP for 23
LAP things 23
LA first 14
LAP i am 23
LARAG neither 128
LAS rich 21
LI the 68
LIMLAL treasure 180
LOHOLO shine 107
LOLCIS buckles 413
LONCHO fall 419
LONDOH kingdoms 123
LONSA everyone 101
LONSHIN (their) power 206
LONSHI power 156
LORSLQ flowers 193
L-O the first 38
LRING stir 226
LU nor 78
L first 8
LUCAL north 392
LUCIFTIAN brightness 566
LU-LA be 92
LUSD feet 89
L one 8
L first 8
L 5 8
LUSDA feet 95
LUSDAN feet 145
LUSDI feet 149
MAASI laidup 169
MABZA robe 116
MAD your god 100
MADRID iniquity 264
MALPIRG fires 281
MALPRG firey 221
MANIN mind 256
MA-OF-FAS not to be measured 145
MAPM 9636 195
MATB thousand 110
MATORB echoing 240
MIAM continuance 246
MIAN 3663 206
MICALP mightier 473
MICALZO mighty 503 _ pgbr _
_ pgbr _
MICA-OLZ mighty 503
MICAOLZ mighty 503
MICMA behold 546
MIINOAG corners 304
MIR torment 250
MIRC upon 550
MOLVI surges 258
MOMAO crown 246
MOMAR crowned 316
MOM moss 210
MONONS heart 257
MOSPLEH horns 155
MOZ joy 129
NA-NA-E-EL pouring 140
NANBA thorns 117
NAPEA two-edge sword 81
NAPEAI swords 141
NAZARTH pillars (gladness) 181
NAZAVABH hyacinthine 153
NAZPS sword 81
NETAAB government 86
NIDALI sounds (mighty) 188
NIIS come 177
NIISO come (away) 207
NIISO come 207
NI 8 110
NOAN become 136
NOAR become 186
NOAS become 93
NOBLOH palms 124
NOCO servent 410
NOIB yea 145
NOMIG even 238
NONCI you 490
NONCP place 439
NOQOD (thy) servent 154
NOQODI ministers 214
NOQOL servents 158
NOR-MOLAP sons of men 323
NOROMI sons 360
NOR-QUASAHI sons of pleasure 370
NORZ six 189
NOTHOA garments (midst?) 126
OADO weave 70
OALI placed 104
OANIO amoment (24thpart) 176
OBELISONG deliverers 208
OBLOC garland 373
OBOLEH garments 84
OBZA half 50
OB 28 35
OD and 34
ODO open 64
OE-CRIMI sing praises 650
OHIO woe 121
OHORELA law 185
OI this 90
OI thatis 90
OIAD just 100
OIAD (of) god 100
OL made you 38
OLANI two times 154
OLLOG men 84
OLLOR man 176
OLN made 88
OL of 38
OLORA man 174
OL 24 38
OLPRT light 156
OM understand 120
OMAX know (great) 526
O-MICAOLZ bemighty 533
ON in your 80
ONDOH kingdoms 115
OOAIN amongst 176
OOANOAN eyes 202
OOAONA eyes 152
OOGE chamber 78
OP 22 39
OROCH under 461
ORRI stone 290
ORSBA drunken 148
ORSCOR dryness 567
OS twelve 37
OTHIL seat 108
OVOARS center 243
OVOF magnified 133
OX 26 430
OXEX vomit 840
OXIAYAL mighty (seat) 570
OZAZM make (me) 144
OZIEN hands 159
OZOL hands 77
OZONGON winds 207
O five(5) 30
PA-AOX remain in 451
PAGE rest 33
PAMBT (to)me 119
PANPIR life 234
PAPNOR remembrance 204
PARACLEDA wedding 449
PARADIAL dwellings 199
PARADIZ virgins 194
PARM run 205
PAR in them 115
PASHS children 30
PATRALX rock 538
P-D thirty-three(33) 13
PEAB oak 30
PEOAL 69636 63
PIAMOL righteousness 203
PIAP balance 84
PIDIAI marble 199
PILAH moreover 84
PILD continually 81
PIL firmament 77
PIR holy ones 169
PIRIPSOL brightness 283
PIRIPSON heaven 325
PI places 69
PLAPLI partakers 100
PLOSI as many 114
POAMAL palace 149
POILP divided 116
PRGE fire 127
PRGEL fire 135
PUGO unto 117
PU-IM sharp sickles 229
P of 9
P 8 9
Q or 40
Q content 40
QA-A-AN your creation 108
QAADA the creator 62
QAAL creator 60
QAAS creation 59
QAA creation 52
QANIS olives 163
QUAR 1636 216
QUI-I-N wherein the cre 280
QUI-IN wherein 280
RAAS east 119
RAASY east 179
RACLIR weeping 574
REST-EL praise him 144
RIOR widow 290
RIT mercy 169
ROR sun 230
RSAM admiration 203
SAID wonder
SAISCH brothers
SALBROX sulphur 556
SALMAN house 167
SAMVELG righteous 199
SAPAH sounds 29
SIAION temple 213
SIATRIS scorpions 249
SOBA whose 48
SOBAM whom 138
SOBCA they whose 348
SOBOL whose 80
SOBOLN west 130
SOBRA whose 148
SOLPETH hearken 74
SONF reign 90
S fourth (?) 7
TA as 15
TABA to govern 26
TABAAN governor 82
TALHO cups 54
TASTAX (going) before 437
TATAN wormwood 80
TA-VI-LIOD and second 247
TAXS 7336 422
TELOCH death 358
THIL seat 78
THILD seats 82
THILN seats 128
TIBIBP sorrow 148
TLIOB creatures 112
TOATAR hearken 160
TOH triumph 40
TOLTORG earth 194
TOL with 47
TOL on 47
TOL all 47
TORGI creatures 207
TORZU arise 218
TORZUL rise 226
TOX him 439
TRANAN marrow 221
TRIAN shall 225
TRINT sit 228
TROF building 142
TURBS beauty 191
T also 9
T it 9
U-I-V third (angle) 200
UNAL these 134
URAN notsee 226
VABZIR eagle 250
VAOAN truth 162
VAUL work 154
VAUN (work?) 196
VCIM frown not 520
VEP flame 89
VGEAR strength 194
VGEG strong 96
V-GE-GI v-ge-gi 156
VI second 130
VIRG nests 238
VI-VI-LV second angle 338
VIV second 200
VLCININA happy 604
VLS ends 85
V-MA-DEA strong towers 186
VMD called 164
VMPLIF strength 240
VNALAH skirts 141
VNAL these 134
VND-L the rest 132
VNIGLAG decend 210
VNIG requires 188
VNPH anger 130
VOHIM hundred 251
VONPH wrath 160
VONPHO wrath 190
VONSARG unto 271
VORS over 207
VOVIN dragon 280
VOVINA (the) dragon 286
VPAAH wings 92
VPAAHI wings 152
VRAN elders 226
VRBS beautified 182
V the 70
VRELP seer 197
VX 42 470
YOLCI bring 458
YORB roar 195
Z they 9
ZACAM moved 411
ZACARE move 431
ZACAR move 421
ZAMRAN show 261
ZAR courses 115
ZIEN hands 129
ZILDAR flew 187
ZILODARP conquest 226
ZIMII have entered 279
ZIMZ vestures 168
ZIN waters 119
ZIRDO i am 203
ZIR him 169
ZIR i am 169
ZIRDO servent 203
ZIRE lord 179
ZIRN wonders 219
ZIROM were 289
ZIXLAY stir 543
ZIZOP vessels 117
ZLIDA water 87
ZNRZA sware 174
Z-Ol hands 39
ZOMD midst 133
ZONAC apparelled 395
ZONG winds 97
ZONRENSG delivered 264
ZORGE friendly 157
ZUMVI seas 299
Enochian magic is a system of ceremonial magic based on the evocation and commanding of various spirits. It is based on the 16th century writings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that their information was delivered to them directly by various angels. Dee's journals contained the Enochian script, and the table of correspondences that goes with it. It claims to embrace secrets contained within the apocryphal Book of Enoch.
* 1 History
o 1.1 Origins
o 1.2 Rediscovery
o 1.3 Enochian magic today
* 2 In popular culture
* 3 See also
* 4 External links
- History
- Origins
Dee and Kelley claim they received these instructions from angels and wrote them down. This account is taken at face value by most Enochian occultists. However, some of them have pointed out remarkable similarities to earlier grimoiric texts such as the Heptameron known to Dee.[citation needed] Doubts surrounding Kelley in particular have led many non-occultists to the assumption the whole system was originally a fraud devised by Kelley in order to receive more financial support from Dee. The system claims to relate to secrets contained within the apocryphal Book of Enoch.
- Rediscovery
It is not quite clear how much of Enochian magic was put to use by Dee and Kelley. However, rediscovery of Enochian magic by the Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has sparked remarkable publicity for it in modern occultism. Enochian as an operative system is difficult to reconstruct based upon the Sloane manuscripts, but contemporary occult organizations have attempted to make it usable. The Golden Dawn was the first, but their knowledge was based upon only one of Dee's diaries and their planetary, elemental, or zodiacal attributions are unfounded.
One facet of the rediscovery is Enochian chess, a four handed variant of the game played in the Golden Dawn in Mather's time and revived by New Zealand Golden Dawn members and chess players in the late Twentieth Century.
Aleister Crowley, who worked with, and wrote about, Enochian magic extensively, has contributed much to its comparatively widespread use today. His first work on the topic was his Liber Chanokh, a walkthrough to decipher some elements of this system, but his attention was particularly focused upon the Calls of the Aethyrs. His visions from these calls formed a document called The Vision and the Voice, also known as Liber 418.
- Enochian magic today
Compared to other theories of magic, Enochian magic is strikingly more complex and difficult to understand. Also, parts of the original manuscripts written by Dee have been lost, mainly due to a fire in his house after his death, thus key parts of the system are missing. This has allowed numerous interpretations to arise, some of which have solidified into schools of thought with individual bodies of interpretative literature. Almost all schools agree, however, in that Enochian magic is a particularly powerful and dangerous form of magic.[citation needed]
Some practitioners hold that Enochian magic is inherently destructive to the magician.[attribution needed] In particular, its use is forbidden for members of the Builders of the Adytum and Servants of the Light.[citation needed]
In 1969, Anton LaVey published The Satanic Bible, which included a section consisting of dark reinterpretations of the 19 Enochian Keys, presented in both English and Enochian transliterated to Latin characters.
- In popular culture
Industrial band Penal Colony released a song and accompanying video named "Freemasons of Enochian Magick".
- See also
* Magic
* Occultism
* Mysticism
- External links
* History of Enochian Magick
* Crowley, Aleister, Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh (PDF)
* Rowe, Benjamin, Enochian Magic Reference (PDF)
Enochian chess is a four-player chess variant, similar to Chaturaji, associated with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The name comes from the Enochian system of magic of Dr. John Dee (magus and astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I), which was later adapted by Victorian members of the Golden Dawn into "a complete system of training and initiation." Enochian Chess was originally taught to candidates only after having reached the grade of Adeptus Minor, and requires of the student a reasonable grounding in the Outer Order knowledge of the Golden Dawn.
Enochian or 'Rosicrucian' Chess provides a complete method of self-initiation into the Western mystery tradition. The boards are "flashing tablets"; the pieces are moveable images of Egyptian gods and goddesses. The playing of Enochian Chess constitutes the Great Work and is intended to help the practitioner "ground the Limitless Light". The adept seeks to balance their personality and inner poise, allowing the magician to "direct the forces of nature". This complete-in-itself system of magic incorporates the entire outer order knowledge of Mather's Golden Dawn.
Enochian Chess has active properties - it purports to change the world - not just to describe it or fatalistically predict. The operation of Enochian Chess is experienced by the Questioner directly as well as through a medium or interpreter.
It is played on any one of four boards, Earth, Air, Fire or Water, each board representing a Qabalistic world (Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah or Atziluth). The four sides each have five pieces (Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, King, Queen, Knight, Bishop or Ship, and Rook) and four pawns (the Canopic Gods, Sons of Horus). The four players are in two teams similar to bridge, with the Questioner controlling the first moving side, and placing the Ptah piece (a marker or catalyst in the game) on the square representing the question of the divination.
Dice are thrown to select a piece to move, using a formula drawn from Tetragrammaton YHVH and the Enochian Watchtowers. The game ends with success (a Yes or favourable answer) or a loss (no, or unfavourable reading) through double-checkmate or a check while the King is on the Ptah square. Each move tells of events or information relevant to the question.
The game is available either in software or traditional board format.
- External Links
~The hill Cumorah (also called Mormon Hill or Ramah) is a place described in the Book of Mormon where approximately two hundred fifty thousand Nephite soldiers were killed in a final battle with the Lamanites, and where centuries earlier, the last battle of the Jaredites took place which destroyed their civilization.
Cumorah is also a name for a drumlin near Joseph Smith Jr.'s home in Manchester, New York where Smith said he found a set of golden plates which he translated and published as the Book of Mormon.~
In the Book of Mormon, Cumorah is mentioned in six verses, five in Chapter 6 and one in Chapter 8 of the Book of Mormon. According to the Book of Mormon, Mormon is the caretaker of the record of his people. His people, called the Nephites, were near to being destroyed by the Lamanites who had had many previous wars with the Nephites. Mormon wrote to the leader of the Lamanites to ask that he may gather his "people unto the land of Cumorah, by a hill which was called Cumorah, and there we could give them battle."[1]
The leader of the Lamanites agreed, and all of the Nephites gathered together, including their women and children. Mormon wrote, "And when three hundred and eighty and four years had passed away [since the sign of the birth of Christ], we had gathered in all the remainder of our people unto the land of Cumorah."[2] Mormon then hid all of the records of his people in the hill, except for the plates that he was currently writing on, which he gave to his son Moroni.[3]
The Lamanites then attacked the Nephites, who were led by twenty-three men each with ten-thousand men under their command.[4] After the battle was finished, "even all my people, save it were those twenty and four who were with me", except for those who fled to the south or defected to the Lamanites.[5] The usage of "ten-thousand men" in relation to those who were killed may or may not have included the women and children.
Mormon then records his mourning for his people and a last message to those who will read his record later, then again turns the records over to his son Moroni. Moroni records, "after the great and tremendous battle at Cumorah, behold, the Nephites who had escaped into the country southward were hunted by the Lamanites, until they were all destroyed. And my father also was killed by them, and I even remain alone to write the sad tale of the destruction of my people."[6]
- Jaredites
This hill known as "Cumorah" among the Nephites was called "Shem" and "Ramah" by the Jaredites:
In the Book of Mormon, during the time of the Book of Alma, this land (of Cumorah) was part of the land of Desolation, "the land which had been peopled and been destroyed, of whose bones we have spoken". This land is identified as being north of the land of Zarahemla.[7]
Moroni lived several years after recording the destruction of his people. He translated and abridged the plates which were the record of the Jaredites as the Book of Ether on to the plates that he was keeping. During this process, he wrote, "Omer ... passed by the hill of cShim, and came over by the place dwhere the Nephites were destroyed,"[8] and "... it came to pass that the army of Coriantumr did pitch their tents by the hill Ramah; and it was that same hill where my father Mormon did hide up the records unto the Lord, which were sacred."[9] These pasages identified the hill Cumorah as the same hill where the Jaredites had fought their final battle.
- Cerro Vigia
LDS scholars have proposed the "Cerro Vigia" (Coordinates: [show location on an interactive map] 18.55 North, 95.1833 West) in Tabasco, Mexico, as the hill Cumorah in the Book of Mormon for a variety of reasons. John L. Sorenson listed 15 cultural criteria (based on contextual clues from the text of the Book of Mormon) for the hill Cumorah. They are: cities, towers, agriculture, metallurgy, formal political states, organized religion, idolatry, crafts, trade, writing, weaponry, astronomy, calendar systems, cement, and wheels. He says that the Hill in New York at least partly fits four of these requirements while the "Cerro Vigia" meets all of them.[10]
And it came to pass that we did march forth to the land of Cumorah, and we did pitch our tents around about the hill Cumorah; and it was in a land of many waters, rivers, and fountains; and here we had hope to gain advantage over the Lamanites. - Mormon 6:4 ~
There has been discussion within the Mormonism movement about whether the hill in New York state is the same as the place mentioned in the Book of Mormon, or if the hill was only given the same name in order to honor it as the hiding place of the plates when Smith found them. Latter Day Saints believe that Joseph Smith, Jr. was instructed by the angel to return the Golden Plates to the angel Moroni after translating them.
At least 10 different secondhand accounts refer to a certain cave and events that occurred there.[11] According to one of these accounts by Brigham Young, Smith and Oliver Cowdery went to the hill which opened up and they walked into a cave where there was a large and spacious room filled with wagon loads of metallic plates. The Sword of Laban was on a large table upon which Smith placed the golden plates.[12] The wording of this account may imply that the events described occurred in a vision rather than physically,[13] and because archaeological evidence doesn't appear to support the theory that the events described in the Book of Mormon occurred near the hill Cumorah in New York state many have accordingly interpreted this account as a vision. The large room, which Smith and Cowdery described as being "swallowed up" by the hill,[citation needed] with records and artifacts has not yet been found at this hill in New York state.~
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