November 5th 11/07/07
post was in response to and addressed to b19...not you.~
bad since I was 'responding to yours'.All posts are 'fair game' on
a public board. Aren't they?
you infering you feel I should only 'speak when spoken
to'? (oooh,,excuse me your royal hi-ness) FYI,,I allways
reserve the right to 'speak'.It's a habit most Americans have. And
a right most Americans extend to others,,especially other
Fawkes represented a oppressed religion (Catholics) that was being
denied rights by the Kings personally owned church and state that
he ran and that he made up.~
this is true:
arrived in Britain in the first or second centuries (probably via
the tin trade route through Ireland and Spain), and existed
independently of the Church of Rome, as did many other Christian
communities of that era.~
should The King or they have to 'submit' to a 'replacement'
religious system with a 'man' as 'the voice of God on earth'? As
in,,to them,,the 'church' was oppresive toward their 'church'.
that ROMAN Castalottaschism IS the continuation of what Yeshua
taught,and NOT an example of exactly what you claim the King
did,,,first,,before you claim The Popes view was more accurate
than The Kings. Besides,,why should a soverign ruler,,like The
King of England,,bow and kiss the ring of a 'soverign ruler' of a
tiny little country called Vatican City? You know,,some claim
JFK,,who was a Roman Cathlic and subject to The Popes Authority as
The Holy See,,was killed to keep him from being ruled by The Pope.
that was your belief as well,,would you have advocated and
assisted in JFKs murder like Guy F. did that 'ruler'?)
in,,like with 'Islam',,if you convert,,you are subject to their
'elites' decrees and edicts.Even if you are a 'king'. That
makes IT more than a religion. That makes it a 'governing
system' which they expect to extend into the 'politics' of
soverign nations through 'the leaders' OBEYING Their High Priest
or Priests. The fact that they wished to not allow
'translations' from the Latin into other languages so 'average
folks' could read it indicates it was 'essentially' a 'power
mongering cult' when compared to what Christ taught. (Which I
wouldn't be able to know if I lived under the 'system' the Roman
Catholoc church advocated at THAT time.)
is probally why,,
everyone in the world has a problem with that church and end up
taking up arms against them and becoming known as terrorists...~~
King made it 'okay' to NOT be Catholic.Didn't he?
in,,to the 'church' rulers,,HE was the 'terrorist
leader',,right? Besides,,attempting to 'kill' for such a
'religion wrapped political agenda motivated' cause is what
'terrorists' do,,right?
the IRA and now muzlims.~
matter what the name,number,label or category you put on it,,, If
a group (or individual) acts and behaves like 'psychopathic
murderers' in order to 'force' anyone to worship any god,,they ARE
terrorists for their cause. The key is,,terror of being
murdered because you do not 'agree' with their concept of
'god'. Christianity is only bidden to
'invite,plead,implore,discuss,inform,illustrate and POINT THE WAY
TO' what they believe is the correct understanding of how to
please Our Creator. Not murder.
cont next post ~>
November 5th 11/07/07
cont from prev post ~
what the King had claimed about what had happened the King
continued to oppress Catholics of their rights because of their
faith in their church, not the Kings...why is that roy?~
I illustrated above,,because he was a King who didn't want to be
'forced' to 'cater' to the King of Castalottaschism whos throne is
in The Vatican. DUH!!
many wars has the King waged against France and Spain because of
the sides they took with the Catholic Church.~
likely NOT as many as was waged to 'retain soverignty',,if one
took the time to determine which was the true causes and then
count them all. It was and is politics,man,,NOT religion
causing all that crap. Just like now with Mo-ism.
this day WASPs don't like those who are historically Cathoilics,
or muzlims or Jews...why is that roy?~ ~Why are you blinded by
that roy...does it have any thing to do with being an angry white
man or whatever it is you want others to know you by? The KKK
belonged to the Kings church too they don't like Cathoilcs,
Blacks, Jews, anyone who isn't a WASP. ...kinda funny how where
there is oppression the King and his church wasn't too far behind
it, according to history.~
color aside (swerve diverted),,If
or any other group wishes to force their religion 'through threat
of violence or death' on another,,they are OUT OF LINE. They
are wrong to do that. That was the 'heart' of the Protestant
movement. Protesting the 'tyrannical authority' of The Pope of
the Roman Catholic Church as 'Gods Voice on Earth'. DUH!!
the 'Churches policies and procedures' weren't there to
protest,,what could the King possibly have to protest? And did
you know many of those 'looking for political or monetary support'
will say anything to get others to back their particular
cause? They've even been known to cast 'racist' aspersions on
their detractors.
your snide racist remarks directed at me:
What does ,,'white' have to do with it? Or being
'anglo-saxon'? Are only 'white' 'anglos' or 'saxons' PROTESTING
having to 'submit to the authority' of a man who is expected to be
'obeyed' as though HE is the very 'Voice of God'? Why are you
focusing on 'race' factors?I thought your beef was over 'religious
based terrorism'. ?????
white man or whatever it is you want others to know you by?~
'EVIL' white man.
cont nxt post ~>
November 5th
cont from prev post ~
an 'angry white man' any less of a man than an 'angry black
man'?And who said I was angry?
to you slinging that 'whatever it is you want others to know you
by' line,,
a 'man' who wants to be known ONLY as 'whatever nic you pic' you
should be aware that I ain't 'a nonim ass' that's afraid to be
known for having the views or opinions that I may have. Unlike
others posting under 'only nics',,I have nothing to be ashamed
of.I would repeat what I post in here to YOUR FACE if you were in
my presence.
for,, ~The KKK belonged to the Kings church too they don't like
Cathoilcs, Blacks, Jews, anyone who isn't a WASP~
can you tell ME about the Klan? I don't hide or keep secret the
'FACT' that I have several relatives who could be called 'card
carrying' members of that group. Do you want to meet the ones I
have had fist fights with over racism? You would have to meet
me first. But I would willingly introduce you to them,,even if
I only know you as someone 'on the boards' I call 'abu,moose,infun
or ballwrinkle'. You know my real name,,don't you? What's
a real good example of a 'race baiting' tactic you showed
there,dude. Were you coached by Sharpe?
you more respect than you deserve, as I always do...infun~
was so devastating to my self esteem that I am going to be 'a
nonym ass' from now on.~ Yeah,,right.
Harbin A Dutch,ANGLO,Nativeamerican,German - Dutch,Indian
Northamerican,German,Irish,English American also known as,, An
Evil White Man
NO substitutes,ya'll!'}
November 5th
November 5th 11/07/07
17, 1538: Pope
Paul III excommunicates King Henry VIII of England. The
English (historically) hate catholics along with most others who
aren't like them (WASP's) including the Irish...this is the reason
why...The Jews had to bomb freedom out of them too! Just like
everyone else that the king, his privately owned church and his
country with all it's forces have oppressed over the centuries had
to do. Twist freedom and rights out of their hands. The UK labeled
Jews terrorists once too. (after WWII)
very liberal protest of the Pope somehow turned the Protestants
non compliance into the correct religion? What Bullshit!
the 30's the next King had to give up his rights so he could marry
outside of the king and his churches graces...what crap!
still the same today...if the prince was to marry a muzlim the
Archbish would not bless it and the state would not recognize
are not as smart as what you think...yes you are well read but
that don't translate into intelligently working out complicated
power struggles that were meant to divide not unite...Marriage in
the 16th century was different from today. It meant other things
tahn what it is today. The Pope was correct in what he did when he
denied the King his way. The spoiled brat went and did it anyways
and that led to hate...like all WASP's hate is the fuel that feeds
their bigotry.
I think you are a poster who is well informed but not smart enough
to use the data in a way that is useful to anyone but yourself. In
other words you are ful of shit!
not a bad thing it just is....
are very narrow-minded and most self centered....but hey if that's
what makes it happen for you then go for it roy...go for it.
November 5th 11/08/07
fun,infun? It looks a leetle like I got ya miffed,,again. (Was
it reminding you about 'ballwrinkle speaks' that did it?Is that
another one of your alter egos I see peeking out?)
I get into your 'personalised comments' let me try again with the
basic problems with your implied asserton that the Pope had any
right to 'tell' the King of England what to do.
will try to 'invigorate' your cognitive processes by asking a few
what The Pope says,,'a God given edict' that everyone,,even NON
Catholics MUST obey?' 2.Who said the King HAD to be
Catholic? 3.And who said the King had to obey a Roman Catholic
Hi-priest if he didn't want to? 4.Are you advocating a
'theocracy' over a 'monarchy'? 5.Do you know the
difference? 6.Considering that BOTH systems were and are rife
with injustices,atrocities and peversions,,should you be
advocating either one over the other?
btw,,do you remember me saying something about things that start
out as a good thing often get 'turned into their ideological
opposites'? Well,,that's the short take on what happened.
could point out how Constantine could simply have used an
opportune event to bolster his standing during battle but instead
I will point AT this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labarum
And say that it is what some Klanfolk call the cross of
Phinehas,,which they march under,,did you know that?
ask one more question: 7.How is The Holy Roman Catholic Church
like the Pharisees and Sadducees that ran the 'temple' in Yeshuas
the line by line approach,,,
English (historically) hate catholics along with most others who
aren't like them (WASP's) including the Irish...this is the reason
why...The Jews had to bomb freedom out of them too!~
up your mind,,are you trying to talk about religion,politics or
like everyone else that the king, his privately owned church and
his country with all it's forces have oppressed over the centuries
had to do.~
that is different from what the RC Church has done under the
control of The Pope?(historically)? Exactly how?
Twist freedom and rights out of their hands.~
the RC church has never ever stooped so low as to 'deprive' folks
of the freedom to 'worship' as they seen fit?
UK labeled Jews terrorists once too. (after WWII)~
on those 'labeling' and shame on those 'giving reasons to be
very liberal protest of the Pope somehow turned the Protestants
non compliance into the correct religion? What Bullshit!~
doubt it did such a thing myself,,but I do know it did turn in to
a battle to reject 'having a religion forced on them'.
the 30's the next King had to give up his rights so he could marry
outside of the king and his churches graces...what crap! It's
still the same today...if the prince was to marry a muzlim the
Archbish would not bless it and the state would not recognize
what?! Boo freekin hoo,dude!! If he's THE KING,,he should
just change the law to suit him. IF he can't do that,,then he's
not The King in actuality,,now is he? The King would be who
ever he 'obeyed',,wouldn't it? The fact is,,who wants to belong
to a church that would deny you your 'birthright' based on who you
marry? Like a mans edict can disolve your genetic ancestry or
something. Talk about bovine feces.
cont next post ~>
November 5th 11/08/07
cont from prev post ~
comes the 'personalized effluvium' you spewed onto your keyboard:
are not as smart as what you think...yes you are well read but
that don't translate into intelligently working out complicated
power struggles that were meant to divide not unite..~
me,,which side are you referring to as being the one 'intending'
the division? (I thot I was smart enuff t'keep track,,but youse
jest tolds me I isn't) Besides,,I still can't figure out where
Yeshua said that some guy was going to be the 'most holy hi-hat'
on the planet after He ascended. Can you tell me where the RC
Church got that idea? (And,,if I'm well read,,you must not be
the one that read me cuz you sure don't know me if that's what you
think of me)
of reading,,here,,read this: ~ Luk 22:24 And there was also
a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the
Luk 22:25 And he said unto them, The kings of
the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise
authority upon them are called benefactors.
22:26 But ye [shall] not [be] so: but he that is greatest among
you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that
doth serve.
22:27 For whether [is] greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he
that serveth? [is] not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you
as he that serveth. ~
in the 16th century was different from today.It meant other things
tahn what it is today.~
you referring to 'similisexual marriages'? Or are you thinking
like a Catholic and acting like I don't know stuff in the hopes
your 'jedi mind trick' will work? I know what marriage is and
what it means,,but feel free to tell me what YOU want every one to
'accept' as the truth straight from the 'Voice of God on Earth'.
me something moose,,who performed the ceremony for 'Adam &
Pope was correct in what he did when he denied the King his way.~
can anyone 'with NO authority' over a 'King' be correct if they
deny the 'King' his way? (oh,,yeah,,that's right,,The Pope
aka,,The Voice of God on Earth.)
spoiled brat went and did it anyways and that led to hate~
guess so,,and it's still seething,,look at you dribbling it all
over this place over something that happened sooo long ago.
cont next post ~>
November 5th 11/08/07
cont from prev post ~
all WASP's hate is the fuel that feeds their bigotry.~
Who? White
folks? Anglos? Saxons? People who don't want to belong to
a certain church?
does that LEAVE OUT?
group are you expressing YOUR bigotry towards?
I think you are a poster who is well informed but not smart enough
to use the data in a way that is useful to anyone but yourself.~
else should I use it for? You? You don't want it. The
ones that do,,take it freely when they find it. That's why I
talk to you,,so I can have a foil to use to disseminate some
examples of logic and sanity that one could call rare on these
boards,God willing that is.
In other words you are ful of shit!~
bowl of Total with an Ensure once a day keeps me rather regular
and not loaded up.
YOUR colon doing,ballwrinkle?
not a bad thing it just is.... You are very narrow-minded and
most self centered....but hey if that's what makes it happen for
you then go for it roy...go for it.~
think,,that line comes from a person who seems believes that some
guy in a dress and tall hat is 'The Voice of God on Earth' who
everyone should obey. Have you ever considered how every time
you point your finger at some one that 'there are three pointing
back at you'?
all due respect to all on this planet,,even infun,, The
DANG-DInGIE American aka,, The Evil White Man
November 5th 11/09/07
it reminding you about 'ballwrinkle speaks' that did it?Is that
another one of your alter egos I see peeking out?)
don't know what a ball wrinkle is at all...the first time I read
this derogatory reference to me personally is when you used it to
sidetrack a conversation showing your ignorance of the issues, as
you always do.
(the name calling and disrespect you have) certainly won't get me
to take you seriously and have real discussions with you...that
won't happen until you grow up and stop being so condescending...
have a warped sense of reality and it comes from not being too
smart or as we say in my neck of the woods ...awful
smart.......your brain isn't wired properly or something...I'm not
a shrink so the terminology eludes me...
I know is a little information in the wrong hands (such as yours)
is a dangerous thing. Fortunately you are not smart enough to get
over on most others and therefore of very little consequence...
November 5th 11/09/07
don't know what a ball wrinkle is at all...the first time I read
this derogatory reference to me personally is when you used it to
sidetrack a conversation showing your ignorance of the issues, as
you always do.~
your drawers,,you'll see some 'ballwrinkles',,if you have a
set. You don't remember
this? https://royharbin.tripod.com/blog/staks/excite/wow_bal...
(the name calling and disrespect you have) certainly won't get me
to take you seriously and have real discussions with you...that
won't happen until you grow up and stop being so condescending...~
patronising,condescending remark regarding ME being
'condescending'? ??????????? Hey POT,,what color are you?
have a warped sense of reality and it comes from not being too
smart or as we say in my neck of the woods ...awful
smart.......your brain isn't wired properly or something...I'm not
a shrink so the terminology eludes me...~
the comment you made before this one,,this comment is just
'hilarious' to me.
I know is a little information in the wrong hands (such as yours)
is a dangerous thing. Fortunately you are not smart enough to get
over on most others and therefore of very little consequence...~
the tact most folks who feel intellectually 'defeated' take all
the time,,isn't it?
all this you wrote is 'simply distracting' from the topic,,which
you apparently feel is inconsequential,,NOW,,since your
'reasoning' for adhering to your 'assertions' has been shown to be
inadequate for actually defending your views on the topic. How
you given up on showing how the Popes religion is accurately
valid,,over others,,as the continuation of the Original concepts
advocated by The Originator of the 'belief system' we were
was the topic,,no? Why did you get off topic and just start
'disrepecting me,,if such behaviour is one that you dislike in
on,,where's your 'intellectual integrity',man? Anybody reading
this exchange can tell you are simply miffed and don't wanna talk
about it no more. Why don't you just 'prove' my mind is like
you claimed it was and 'defeat my positions'?
you out debate someone who has a warped sense of reality that
comes from not being too smart or as they say in A MOOSES neck of
the woods ...awful smart.......whos brain isn't wired properly or
you mean to tell me,,YOU can't out debate me? You claim I am
such as that,,and YOU can't out debate me?
doesn't say much FOR YOUR intellectual abilities,,now does
it? Now,,there's a dose of 'reality' for you.
from the 'alledgedly' improperly wired mind of,, The
DANG-DInGIE American aka,, The Evil White Man