This is the index page for the Blog Staks of Roy Harbin:The D.A.N.G. - D.In.G.I.E. American aka,, The Evil White Man.
Retort to Barkatullah Marwats Excite Forum Post:What the President said about Soldiers
Response Set:Barkatullah Marwat on U.S. Recruitment & An Iraqi school Incident
A Critique of Jews vs Christians
(This Harbin on 2 Things Named Harbin)
Must Prepare to Fight:A Response
Bomb Washington not Bagdad:A Point by Point to Psygon Kid
A Response to BMarwats "Warmovies nice but reality is different"
Moonfruit in a crowd:A response set to a pkpost
Moonfruit in a crowd:2 / moonfruit in a crowd 3
Evolution 001
This is insane:An Exchange Prt1 - Prt2 - Prt3
Response Set:Re:Tests,God & Abortion or How is a woman like a chicken? ( 2:Backposts )
A response to a Shrub Obsessive,ff2 - 2:Backposts
Da Moose Speaks! Backposts:Nazification
Old whites need to die? My response backpost pg1 - pg 2
Chock Full o Moonfruit & Links
A Joint Word Work:A Spoof of a PK(Pyscho Kisser)Post
Evilution:A response to santasbaby
roy harbin is roy l.harbin aka,,the dang-dingie american aka,,the evil white man